Sunday 28 May 2017


"And remember, 
I am with you always, 
to the end of time." 
                                      - Jesus 
                                                                                  -  Matthew 28.20

In my opinion and through my life journey I would have to say that the above line is the greatest line in scripture. I'm sure scripture scholars would have comments on this and find others that are as equally valued, however this one small line in scripture is very powerful. It contains a promise that is never broken and one that we have no control over and that is a good thing. 

Christ came to us as a child, grew, learned, revealed God's graces and mercy, showed us love, died as a criminal, rose from the dead, gifted us with his Spirit and promised to be with us always. Always no matter what or where or when or who or why - Jesus is with us.

So often I forget this - even though I have this quote posted on my door - so often I deny that he is present, or choose not to see him or fail to recognize his presence. Why? Why do I/we fail to remember this great promise?

I keep thinking of another quote; one by Marianne Williamson: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." 

I wonder if that is why I/we forget the promise of Jesus being with us always? Is it because he is so close and that the power we do have is because of his life and light in us? Is it because his light is so intense that I/we say "it can't be, or not me, or impossible, or why here or not now..." 

Yet Christ says:
I am here
I am present
I am with you
I love you
You are mine
until... well... always... forever.

I am with you in the
hurts and pains
I am with you in the
struggles and empty
I am with you in the
darkness and fears.
I am with you always.

I am with you in the 
joys and healing
I am with you in the
success and fullness
I am with you in the
light and the overcoming.
I am with you always.

I am with you in the
times when no else is
I am with you in the 
questions, wondering, desires
I am with you in the
seeking to live fully.
I am with you always.

I am with you in the
moments of peace
I am with you in the
shouts of praise
I am with you in the
whispers of thanksgiving.
I am with you always.

I am with you in the
I am with you in the
I am with you in the
I am with you always.

I am with you in the
I am with you in the
I am with you in the
I am with you always.

I am with you in the
times you feel efforts are wasted
I am with you in the
moments you feel forgotten 
I am with you in the
distress of uncertainty.
I am with you always.

I am with you in the
I am with you in the
day time
I am with you in the
I am with you always.

I am with you always
for I am freedom
I am with you always
for I am redemption
I am with you always
for I am always hope.
I am with you always.

I am with you always
my child
I am with you always
my beloved
I am with you always
my very own.
I am with you always.

I am with you always
for all time
I am with you always
for I am God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit
I am with you always
for I love you... you are mine.
I am with you always.

I am with you...

I am here...

I am...


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