Saturday 10 June 2017

Random Reflections

Over the course of this past week, my quiet prayer time has had many different angles for reflection. Questions to contemplate, insights that deepen the journey, ponderings that cause me to seek. Some random thoughts to share based on my reflections.

Fairness. I wonder how often in life we use the line “it’s not fair!”? Too many I’m sure and yet our lives are abundantly blessed and God continues to pour into life more blessings and yet we say, “but what about this… or how I didn’t… or that’s not fair I didn’t…” How foolish we are and yet our God lavishly loves us.

Do Not Be Afraid. I know in my own life I seem to drop the ‘not’ and let myself worry, fret, stress and become fearful. It is so silly and useless and the things that I allow to cause me fear I have no control over. Thank goodness I can hear Jesus say “I am with you always, you are mine, I will never leave.” It is so easy to forget how much love, courage and strength he blesses my life with. May I be open to these gifts.

Path. The way, the truth, the life (John 14.6) is Jesus. In him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17.28)… let this be our truth and way today and always. It truly is the best path for life. Are we lights on the path? Are we roadblocks? Are we walking with others and helping them?

Live Like Christ. It is small steps each day, it is in listening, non-judgment, generosity, kindness shown, sacrifice and self-emptying. It is challenging and can be frustrating for it can feel like we are trapped in the same patterns that are not Christ-like or blind us from Christ at work in our lives. It’s not easy to live like Christ but living transformed in the life of Christ is worthy the journey. Come and dwell in us Lord.

Daily Bread. Where are we investing our time? Am I listening to Jesus? Are we failing to see our daily bread? Am I helping to feed others? You call me dear Jesus. What chains do I need to break so I can live more in joy and true servant-hood being nourished by you the Bread of Life?

Relationships. They call us beyond ourselves, to share who we are and to open and trust. The relationship of the Trinity is pure love and perfect and we are caught up in the middle of it. Relationship calls us to look not at ‘my needs’ first but rather to walk forward together with the other. May love be our base, may we not count the cost and may we know that we are embrace by the perfect love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit… always… yes… always.

God our Father look upon us with love,
Jesus our Savior strengthen us with your love,
Holy Spirit guide us in the way of love.


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