Tuesday 4 July 2017

The Best of Summer Time

Summer time is here and what a gift and blessing that is. As we enter into these holy and sacred months the gift and the challenge is to continue to deepen our relationship with Christ. We are called to place our trust in God and be open to the Holy Spirit prompting us to new life (like the gardens growing and producing an abundance of new life in their bounty for us to enjoy). Over summer I work at embracing this gift and challenge of deepening my relationship, trusting and being open. To do so I try to spend time in quiet, embrace the adventures that summer will offer and in the new encounters and experiences that fill my summer schedule to simply stop and be and see how my God has come to meet me. To do so I’m going to use some advice I found in a reflection book this spring: 

“Invest our best… and let the Lord do the rest!”
– Little White Book.

This is good advice always but also a great way to approach summer adventures, summer quiet, summer work, summer prayer, summer gatherings and summer routines.

Yes Lord… I offer you my best… not what is left… but my best…

work through us
may we not focus on ourselves
rather radiate you and your love.

continue to create us anew
into a masterpiece
that is a reflection of you.

when our mistakes are many
your mercy and love are greater
your light is our guide and way.

work through us,
when we don’t feel we are able
when we get caught up in the journey instead of you.

you are my all… my life-force
you I desire… you I desire to embrace
you are my life… fullness is in you.


Over the next several weeks, my postings will be irregular to allow for some of this summer time best to take its hold on me.

I’m often asked about my Franciscan journey, so as we head into summer I provide this as a brief update:

I have completed my second of three years of school working towards my degree. I will continue in the fall with both familiar and new classmates and will continue my role on student council. This past year saw a wide variety of classes and the challenges that come with a mid-way point in a degree program – motivation sometimes needs a jolt! Being a part of student council was a rewarding part of my year as we continued to work at forming a good school community.

I continue to serve as the Spiritual Assistant to the Saints Louis & Zellie Martin Fraternity of Secular Franciscans. In mid-June Br. Ben and I presented a one day retreat for Secular Franciscans from across the province – it was a good day.

The routine of our days continues to be my pattern. Prayer in the morning and evening as a community, my own time for prayer, exercise, projects and various little ministries such as presentations, assisting a brother and so on make up this pattern along with my school schedule. Over summer this pattern shifts a little with Friars and guests coming and going but still in the movement around prayer and maybe even more time for self-reflection.

One of our brothers will be ordained a priest on July 15, a celebration we are very excited about with Friars, guests and his family coming to celebrate. I ask that you please keep Br. Joe in your prayers.

Summer will see me doing a bit of travel near and far… from day trips around here, to back home and then into Quebec for a Friars pilgrimage week and time with my Novitiate classmate.  At the end of summer I will attend our annual Friars Retreat and renew my vows for the second time moving into my third year as a simply professed Friar. It will be full and full of blessings. It will be nourishing and recharging as I work at investing my best, trusting in God, deepening my relationship with Christ and opening myself up to the Holy Spirit.

Many Blessings to you this summer, may the best of you intersect with the best of summer and in that intersection may you encounter our loving Father-God, his life-giving Son and the gift of the Holy Spirit who always give their best to us – their beloved.

Know of my prayers... watch for random posts... and here is to the

Best Happy Summer!

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