Saturday 9 September 2017

Christ is Among Us

"For where two or three are gathered in my name, 
I am there among them." - Matthew 18.20

I have been sitting with this line from the Gospel of Matthew this week. It is good to be reminded that Jesus is with us always (Emmanuel) in the journey, especially as fall routines take shape and we are bombarded with demands and roles to fulfill and challenges of being community.

This reflection is broken into two parts (where two or three reflections are in his name - Jesus is there :) - I hope so!) both are prayers that this piece of scripture called out of me. It comes from my desire to see and be aware of Christ more and more in my every day - in relationships, interactions, simple meetings, intense moments, creation, busyness and quiet.

Strength for the journey Lord Jesus,
there is so much going on
and so much goodness in my life,
and so many demands,
and just little things that make a difference...
I trust in you.

I trust that you are my strength, 
my courage, my drive to do all in your name, 
to seek your will and radiate you.

When days seem long
and the load is heavy
I trust you walk with me.

When tasks become too many
and the need to be present is draining
I trust you are strength to do and be.

When the rushing around is endless
and more gets added each day
I trust you are my guide.

When the tiredness takes hold
and emotions run high
I trust you are peace.

When the seeking and searching are continual
and I fail to see you here
I trust you are with me
and will remind me of that always.

You Lord are strength for the journey.

Be present Lord
in our daily gatherings
in our comings and goings
in our work and play.

Be present Lord
when we gather as family
when we welcome friend and stanger
when we help a neighbour.

Be present Lord
in our time of prayer
in our time of leisure
in our time of rest.

Be present Lord
when stresses weigh us down
when burdens seem too heavy
when fears trap us in.

Be present Lord
in the breaking of our bread
in the scripture we share
in the peace we offer each other.

Lord, remember your promise to be present where 
two or three are gathered in your name!

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