Monday 4 September 2017

Enticed by the Flame

"If I say, I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name, then within me there is something like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I am weary with holding it in, and I can not."
                                                                                - Jeremiah 20.9

This line really stuck me and stood out for me this weekend. I think this burning fire is something that continues to burn within me and desires to burst forth at times and at other times simmer more to take in its power. I come to understand more how it is possible not to contain it for it fills my body and soul. It penetrates me, continually enticing me more and more to the source of whom I belong to and how immense and full and intense that love is.

How can I not speak of the Lord?
                                            Look at all the blessings.
How can I not have the Lord come through in my words and actions?
                                                                                           Look at how present God is.

I profess to be a follower of Christ. At times I stumble along the path, at other times my sinfulness traps me and at other times I am lured by the world but still in my weakness, my body and soul yearn for God and I am continually drawn back by God's love, mercy and goodness.

God's love, mercy and goodness is the burning fire that is shut up in my bones, it is the strength of my bones, it is the flow of my blood. These riches consume me and fan the flame and cause it to burst forth and propel me to serve, to grow deeper in love, to claim my faith, to proclaim the Good News in this day, to be a positive voice, person of love in action and to trust that God is at work in me. This adds fuel to the fire - if you will - so that I may be a voice that proclaims God, a life that is wrapped in God's love and a Child of God that can not contain how good God is always. That simply amazes me that I, that you, that each of us are these vessels that hold the flame of God and God's love within and yet can not contain it.

You indeed entice me O God,
and that is beautiful.
It is again the gift of knowing
you are ever at my side
and that I am precious in your sight.
Continue to do something new in me,
as the fire of your love is fanned
and strengthened in my life.

How do you share the burning fire?
This week let us not hold it in, let us be bearers of light - God's love.

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