Saturday 2 June 2018


I hunger for you Bread of Life
for I know you are strength
and I know you are nourishment.
I hunger for you Cup of Salvation
for I know you are sustenance
and I know you are courage.
I hunger for you Body of Christ
for I know you are life
and I know you are the way and the truth.
I hunger for you Holy Communion
for I know you are my daily bread
and I know you fill me with thanksgiving.
I crave for you Lord Jesus.
I thirst for you Lord Jesus. 
I hunger for you Lord Jesus.

Lord Jesus,
for the gift of your body and blood
you freely gave as a lasting memorial,
as an encounter of you,
and the gift of your Risen Life,
I say thank you.
I look forward to meeting you in the Eucharist
again and again.

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