Monday 18 June 2018


While I was working in Youth Ministry I came across an activity called JOY. It was a reflective activity calling us to prayer. Each letter calling us to focus on the priority of relationships and the prayers that arise. J = Jesus, O = Others, Y = You (self). I was reminded of this activity over this past weekend as great joy filled my last few days all because of relationship with Jesus and others in my life.

I was blessed to travel this weekend and attend the Permanent Diaconate Ordination of 9 men for the Archdiocese of Regina. It was a historical event for the diocese and one of great joy drawing together people from all corners of the diocese. I was overwhelmed by the simple fact that because of a relationship with Jesus these nine men have been ordained. Because of a relationship with Jesus the diocese was present to support and encourage them. Because of a relationship with Jesus each of us were challenged to look at our vocation and how we live it out. Because of a relationship with Jesus I was reminded again that when we anchor ourselves in Him then our relationships our nurtured and we serve others so to build the kingdom. 

With Jesus as our prime source and strength we step forward called into relationship with others, called to build the kingdom. This was brought to my attention in witnessing the interaction of people at the ordination, attending Mass at the parish where I used to ministry, spending time with children, family and friends and hearing two of the newly ordain preach. The relationships we enter into shape us, they call us beyond ourselves, they make us ask “what am I doing with my life?” and “how am I building the kingdom?”  As I listened to these two newly ordained deacons passionately preach, sharing their from personal stories of life changing moments in their own lives to the challenge to be community, to seeing where Christ is present in our every day, to embracing the gift of baptism they reminded us that relationship is key. It awakened in me a very grateful heart for the many good people in my life and how from both small to great, from lifetime to momentary, relationships call us beyond ourselves and deeper into the heart of Jesus.

When our lives our rooted in Jesus, when we value the relationships that are our lives and work at them, as we give from the gift of ourselves and not make ourselves the center of the universe then and only then are our priorities in the right order and we are filled with JOY radiating it into our world.

Jesus you are life and goodness richly blessing us with the gift of

Others who journey with us and call forth our gifts so that the

You that is me will not eclipse the You that is true Joy. Amen.


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