Saturday 11 April 2020

Easter: Stepping Into the Resurrection


Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, 
Mary Magdalene came to the tomb…
Mary Magdalene stood weeping outside the tomb…
“Why are you weeping?”…
“Sir if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him…”
Jesus said to her, “Mary!”
She turned and said to him… “Rabbouni!”
“Go to my brothers and say to them,
“I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.”
Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord.” 
- John 20-1-18 adapted

Each year at Easter we must pause and say thank goodness for the witness of Mary Magdalene. As the Apostle to the Apostles she helps us find our footing so we can step into life on this side of the cross and resurrection.  Saint Mary Magdalene… pray for us.

weeping at the tomb
all I have lost
all I must release.

weeping at the tomb
lost in my misery
lost in my sorrow
lost in my ways.

My name
I hear my name called
with love
with purpose
with mercy.

My name
I hear my name called
I am awakened
I am set free
I am renewed.

the good news
that Christ is Risen
that Love never dies
that God is our home.

the good news
that I have seen the Lord
that I know our God lives
that I know hope is ours.

into this Resurrection time
for the cross has brought life
for the tomb is empty
for we must rejoice.

into this Resurrection time
with words of kindness
with actions of kindness
with purpose and kindness.

the way, the truth and the life
not just one Sunday morning
not just for Mary to see
not just for a great story ending.

the way, the truth and the life
in each of our days
in these tiring and trying times
in the living out of the gospel.

We too come to the tomb with Mary.
Can we hear our name called?
Will we respond in love and action?
Where do see the Risen Lord today?

Easter Blessings… the Resurrection calls us to life.
How will you live out this blessing this week 
and during the Easter Season?

Then and Now

                                                  a poem for Easter 2020                                                          
The sun cascades across the barren park,
the swings no longer move to and fro,
the steps locked up,
the slides sealed shut,
passersby look on and wonder.

The sun cascades across the barren garden,
the flowers frozen in this time,
the paths are still,
the tomb securely sealed,
passersby look on and wonder.

Is this how this is to be?
Is this how it is to turn out?
Is there not more?
Is there not something missing?
Why have you forsaken us?

Hope lives on in new ways,
patience is a virtue they say,
in slowing down truths are revealed,
isolation causes much to ponder,
as we look on and wonder.

Hope lives on, so they were told,
their dreams forsaken and broken,
hiding now in upper rooms,
left with much to ponder,
as they look on and wonder.

Is this all there is?
Is this all there is to be?
Is there truth in what we’ve seen?
Is there more to tell?
Why don’t we know what to do?

The sun breaks through the mourning fog,
yet a new day dawns it’s true,
the same again, it seems to be,
and yet we know it’s best for now,
we look within and wonder.

The sun breaks through the morning fog,
it is the same and yet it’s not,
yet we know there is more,
love prevails then and now,
for our Savior died but He is Risen,
we look within and beyond in wonder.

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