Thursday 9 April 2020

Triduum: A Kyrie Litany

Kyrie Eleison – Lord have mercy

Very often when we hear Kyrie eleison or Lord have mercy we often think of forgiveness and pardon. This is true and very good but is only one aspect of mercy. God’s mercy can be defined as “loving care from God for all creation.” Yes, this evokes the ideas of forgiveness and pardon but there is more to it. The Hebrew word for mercy has three definitions – which means: “goodness, womb (compassion) and grace.” These are powerful words which evoke images of deep forgiveness and also the inherent depth of God’s mercy seen in goodness, compassion and grace.

When we consider mercy as goodness, hopefully we can call to mind the goodness we have experienced in our life, the very fact we are created in the image of God which is good and the bonds of goodness we have with so many people. When we ponder mercy as womb, we can see it as the very place of life, the sacred place which holds us and first introduces us to compassion and tenderness. When we look at mercy as grace, we are reminded of God’s gift of free love to us; God willingly bestowing upon us generous love and passion for us. It is with these thoughts that I offer a Kyrie Litany for Triduum 2020 as we enter into these holy days in a very unprecedented time. God's mercy is indeed present as God's goodness, compassion and grace give shape to the days of Triduum.

For those of us who are struggling with the fact that we will not be in churches to celebrate these three sacred days and then gathering with family, let us be mindful of the hundreds of thousands of Christians who for many years have had to worship in secret or alone due to persecution. Let us be mindful of the hundreds of homeless and poor who do not feel they can walk through the doors of our church ever. The Body of Christ is still the Body of Christ broken and hurting but always with eyes fixed on the Resurrection.

For the times we have failed each other or failed to notice each other may this mercy be upon us. For the times in which goodness, compassion and grace have blessed us may we respond in mercy. For these times may mercy comfort us.

Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy.

Lord have mercy
                on the peoples of the world
                on the nations of the world
                on the whole of creation

Christ have mercy
                on the lonely
                on the broken
                on the hurting

Lord have mercy
                on the homeless
                on the hungry
                on the abandoned

Christ have mercy
                on the sick
                on the dying
                on the dead

Lord have mercy
                on those working for the common good
                on those working for justice
                on those working for peace

Christ have mercy
                on health care teams
                on emergency workers
                on medical specialists
Lord have mercy
                on farmers and food providers
                on food banks and soup kitchens
                on postal workers, delivery drivers and packers
Christ have mercy
                on those caught in violence
                on those caught in addictions
                on those caught in war

Lord have mercy
                on refugees
                on migrants
                on forgotten peoples

Christ have mercy
                on elders and the elderly
                on babies and infants
                on children and teens

Lord have mercy
                on single parents
                on married couples
                on widows and widowers

Christ have mercy
                on young professionals
                on those nearing retirement
                on minimum wage earners

Lord have mercy
                on grocery store clerks and stocking staff
                on pharmacists, drug store staffs and lab technicians
                on restaurant owners and servers

Christ have mercy
                on those alone in isolation
                on those with special needs and their care givers
                on those in hospital and those having treatments

Lord have mercy
                on those who must work for the good of all
                on those working long hours
                on those who need work

Christ have mercy
                on police officers
                on military personnel
                on firefighters
Lord have mercy
                on teachers, instructors and administrators
                on support staffs and janitors
                on students

Christ have mercy
                on daycare staffs and care aides
                on town maintenance crews
                on gardeners and florists

Lord have mercy
                on those working to provide power
                on those working to provide electricity
                on those working to provide water to our homes

Christ have mercy
                on pilots and airline crews
                on construction workers
                on therapists and mental health advocates

Lord have mercy
                on pastors, ministers and priests
                on rabbis
                on imams
                                 and their congregations

Christ have mercy
                on volunteers
                on neighbours
                on generous donors

Lord have mercy
                on small business owners
                on managers
                on the self-employed and employers

Christ have mercy
                on those who work with online technology
                on those working in and for social media
                on those working in medical technologies

Lord have mercy
                on cooks and bakers
                on cleaners and those sanitizing
                on dishwashers and food services teams

Christ have mercy
                on couples preparing for marriage
                on families preparing for the birth of a child
                on children waiting for adoption

Lord have mercy
                on seniors in assisted living homes
                on those dealing with natural disasters
                on families separated because of hurts

Christ have mercy
                on families of all sizes
                on communities of all sizes
                on cities, towns and villages

Lord have mercy
                on governments
                on leaders of nations and lands
                on leaders of communities and peoples

Christ have mercy

Lord have mercy
                on my community and neighbourhood
                on my family
                on me.

Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy

Your love is our strength.
Your presence among us our hope.
Your way is our peace.

Our faith is weak,
our ways are feeble,
our work is stumbling,
You are our strength,
You are our hope,
You are our peace.

Your mercy is goodness.
Your mercy is compassion.
Your mercy is grace.

God of Mercy,
we know you are here with us
during these holy days
and through this pandemic.
We are tired and weak,
we are bombarded with a lot,
we are trying our best,
we are learning to slow down,
we are listening more closely to our hearts,
we are working at being more humane,
we are trying to learn, to hear and to be.
fill us with your mercy today, 
these days and always.

Blessings of peace to you as we journey                                                                       to the Last Supper, to the cross, to the sealed tomb                                                            and to the empty tomb.

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