Friday 8 October 2021

Thanksgiving: Always Gratitude



Gratitude can mean different things for different people,

     at different moments in each of our lives.


Right now, some people are grateful to be alive

     while others don’t even recognize this gift.


Awareness of the blessings that we have each day

     should awaken us to those who go without and our response.


Thankfulness is a life-long journey

     which transforms who we are and how we are to others.


Instead of counting the worries and “don’t haves” in our life

     if we focus on the freedoms and “do haves” we see our riches.


Turning our attention to others is the way we build community

     everyone deserves respect and dignity even if we disagree.


Understanding that for some it is sports and food

     which bring about words of thanks on their lips.


Dancing, serving, the arts, culture and a life of faith

     brings about realms of thankfulness for others.


Everyone has something for which to give thanks

     again we do so this Thanksgiving with gratitude.



Generous God,

as we pause and give thanks this Thanksgiving Weekend,

we rejoice that your love and mercy are always in abundance.

You are with us in our want and needs,

you are with us in our joys and contentment,

and for this we give You thanks.

As we gather at table or gather with friends

or spend time in creation

we raise a thankful hymn of praise

for all our blessings this day and all our days,

for you desire nothing more than

to love us all the days of our life.



Photos Credits:


Timothy Eberly

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