Saturday 30 October 2021

With Saints and Souls, We Declare Love for the Lord


I love you, O Lord, my strength,

the saints and sages of ages past declared

with works and words and prayer,

showing us how close God is in our day

reminding us that this is heaven’s way.


I love you, O Lord, my strength,

our beloved loved ones gone before us

join in this mighty, life-giving verse,

as they lived their lives discovering this truth

regardless their agedness or their youth.


I love you, O Lord, my strength,

is our daily prayer and statement of faith

as we strive to live pointing to Christ,

trusting in this love for the journey of now

regardless of our place, our creed or our vow.


I love you, O Lord, my strength,

the undertone of the November Feasts

where we honor the saints and souls

who have journeyed this winding life path,

living out the convictions of their baptismal bath.


I love you, O Lord, my strength,

for you are my all for always

in the days long and days short,

in the joys and sorrows that are part,

you are with me in the endings and each start.


I love you, O Lord, my strength,

let this be in all voices raised

on All Saints Day and All Souls Day

and each of the days this month and beyond

which call us all in love to always respond.


I love you, O Lord, my strength. (Psalm 18)




                Photo Credits:

Dewang Gupta

Hudson Hintze

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