Monday 19 August 2013

Beginning Today: A Prayer for the Journey

Good and Awesome God,

I give You thanks for the gift of life You have blessed me with.
My life is full of so many blessings and gifts.
Thank You for guiding me on this journey and opening me
up to new adventures with You.
As I begin my journey with the Franciscans,
I ask your blessing upon my family.

Bless my Mom and Dad,
Bless my siblings and their spouses,
Bless my amazing nephews and nieces.
Bless my Grandparents and Godparents,
Bless my Godchildren and their families,
Bless my many relatives and friends.
I am so grateful for their love and support,
They have helped me to encounter You,
Your generosity and lavish love.
As I enter this Postulancy year,
I pray for strength and courage, I pray for a deepening trust
and I pray to continue to be open to how You are calling me. 

I place all these people and the journey ahead into
Your hands. I am truly in awe and grateful to be
Child of Yours.


Saint Francis said: The rule of pilgrims is: take shelter under someone else’s roof, thirst after your homeland (heaven) and make you way in peace. This pilgrim is very excited for the next part of the pilgrimage to begin!

Today I begin my Postulancy Year with the Franciscans. We begin with a weeklong retreat, which will end with two of the Franciscans making their final vows. I am about to head out on the road to the retreat house, give some hugs to family (until Christmas), and enter into the journey.

Thank you to all who have been so supportive and have sent me off in such special ways, my heart is full, and I am grateful. I humbly ask for your prayers.

Peace and Joy of the Risen Lord to you all.

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