Tuesday 13 August 2013

Yes I Can Do This!

This week marks the week that ends one chapter in my life and a new one begins. This has happened throughout history over and over again to so many people. It's always easy to comment on this process when it is someone else's life but when it's your own it's tough to keep perspective.

Saying farewell, one last hug from friends and family, as my brother says one last supper, and of course packing up my stuff; deciding what is important to keep, to take, to give away, to deal with later in life has filled my days. Lots has happened to get me to this point, lots has happened this past week alone and lots is happening this week to ensure I'm ready to go into the next chapter.

So I ponder, looking back with lots of smiles and fond memories. I'm hopeful and excited, I'm grateful and humbled. I remain connected to Christ and know that his strength, courage and joy is what fills me and allows me to look ahead.

I have been reminded several times this week in several ways that all things are possible with God. Through the time spent with my nephews and nieces, acts of kindness, a hug from my Mom and others, questions asked, encouragement given, celebrations, quiet moments, words of scripture and reflections from St. Francis I see the journey is possible.

Still as the suitcase gets packed I pause again and I ask myself: 'can I do this?' I wonder if Francis thought the same thing as his dream began to take hold. Then I feel a sense of peace and say I know I can do this, God is alive and is calling me forth and I am continually assured of God's awesome love.

So Yes, I can do this! With the support of family and friends, through  deepening trust, through the gift of a community of brothers and through God's grace, mercy and love, yes, YES I can do this.

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