Monday 10 February 2014

Gold Silver & Bronze

The Winter Olympics have been something I have enjoyed since I have been 11 years old. The Calgary Winter Olympics took place in 1988 and as an 11 year old I was captivated by everything Olympics. I remember getting up early in the dark of winter to watch highlights and then watching them again when I returned home from school. There is something special about the Olympics that draws one in.  Over the years I have watched the Olympics and have been amazed and wowed over and over again. I have enjoyed Olympic parties, great conversations around the sports, I have been part of Olympic events (2010) and in fact I have even led a retreat with an Olympic theme. The good of the Olympics needs to be celebrated.

I know there are many people out there who are anti-Olympics and do not support them. Yes there is corruption within the IOC and yes there is way too much money spent on frivolous things, when that money could go to supporting the poor. We need to remember that the IOC and Olympic planners are human beings and that doesn’t make them perfect, it makes them like you and I: seekers, sinners, neighbors, Children of God; seeking to build the kingdom and let go of what leaves us in the dark.

I look to the good of the Olympics. The power of nations both large and small marching in and sitting together reminds us our cultural family. The beauty of art, cultural, history, creativity, and sport brought together showing forth God-given talents. The striving to be ones very best. The respect that is given and shown for each other, the pride in doing ones very best. The great stories of family support, of athletes reaching out to each other in times of crisis and celebrating the good in others. All these goods of the Olympics remind me of the Kingdom of God we are a part of are called to help shape and build.

May the golden moments remind us of the crown we will receive when we climb the podium to our heavenly home. May the silver moments remind us that we are on the right path. May the bronze moments remind us that we must continue to work at building the Kingdom. May all the excitement and joys, the challenges and hard-work, the disappoints and special moments truly remind us that God walks with us, trains with us, journeys with us and is with us always through this life time.

I may never wear a gold medal, but my name and all our names are golden in the heart of God. Now that is worth celebrating!

In honor of the Olympics some of my Top Lists: (none of these are in a particular order)

My Top 7 Favorite Feast Days:
1.       Epiphany  – have loved it since a child, one last hurrah and reminder of the gift of the Christ Child.
2.       St. Michael Day – pretty self-explanatory a great Saint, but I also celebrate my Grandpa’s B-day that day.
3.       Feast of the Presentation of the Lord – maybe it’s the candles, maybe it’s Simeon and Anna, maybe it’s because it’s about Tradition but I love it.
4.       St. Kateri, St. Brother Andre & Canadian Martyrs (technically these are 3 separate days but all equal to me) – some true Canadian Heroes with fascinating stories.
5.       St. Nicholas – the reminder to give and serve and share and the bonus little treats too!
6.       St. Anne & Joachim – Jesus had Grandparents – I love that! Let’s celebrate the goodness of Grandparents.
7.       St. Francis – when you are walking in this man’s footsteps he better make the top list, and I have been fascinated by him for a long time.
My Top 7 Canadian Winter Olympic Athletes I Would like to meet:
1.       Kurt Browning
2.       Alexandre Bilodeau
3.       Catriona Le May Doan
4.       Clara Hughes
5.       Scott Moir & Tessa Virtue
6.       Sandra Schmiler
7.       Scott Perras – oh wait I have – so cool to have a cousin who is an Olympic Athelete!
My Top 7 Winter Olympic Sports:
1.       Figure Skating
2.       Ski Jumping
3.       Curling
4.       Bobsled & Luge
5.       Aerial Freestyle Skiing
6.       Biathlon
7.       Short Track – Relay Speed Skating
My Top 7 Canadian Places I like to Visit or would Visit again:
1.       Home
2.       Newfoundland & Labrador
3.       Northern Canada – all 3 Territories
4.       Maritimes – all 3 provinces again
5.       St. Joseph’s Oratory
6.       Northern Saskatchewan
7.       Any place with a good deck to relax on in the summer or great fireplace and view in the winter
The Color Pages my nephews & nieces sent to me to color to celebrate! Go Canada Go!

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