Monday 24 February 2014

Movements in the Journey

Reflecting on the past week of life, there is a lot that runs though my mind.

I journeyed to the Novitiate House last week for a workshop and to check out the place that will be home for Part 2 of the journey (which begins in August 2014).

I went with an open heart and mind.
I went excited and a bit anxious.
I went with questions and searching.

While I was there, I encounter a wide range of emotions and thoughts. Through them all I know that God is working in my life and opening me up to joys, challenges and hopes that will strengthen me.

There was great excitement in seeing the place and meeting the novices.
There was a sense of peace in understanding the routine and flow of the Friary.
There was joy in discovering others on the journey.   
It was awesome to meet 2 other Postulants my age and share stories and laughter. It was amazing to hear the amazing range of walks of life we come from: Broadway Dresser, Nuclear Scientist, Police Officer, Parish Minister, Environmental Engineer and Students. It was also amazing from where we come from: Vietnam, Iraq, Australia, Haiti, Singapore, USA and Canada and we range in age from 19 - 55.
There was energy around a group in formation and discernment.

Front Row: Novices, Middle and Back Row: Postulants from across North America

At one point in the week, when I had some time for myself, I just stopped and pondered, "what is going through you at this moment?" As I pondered that a few things crossed through my thoughts...
"can you do this?", "there will be some more changes in the journey", "there is hope and a desire", "I know I am called to this" "okay there is a little bit of fear!"

As I stop and look back at all these thoughts, I have processed them a bit more and as I have shared them in conversation with my guides, I continue to discover the journey will offer many twists and turns. In these twists and turns I remember Jesus said, "I am with you always until the end of time" and that allows me to journey on and open myself up to ongoing formation, discernment and endless hope.

I came back with my heart and mind still open.
I came back still excited and much less anxious.
I came back with more answers and less searching about the Novitiate House,
but a deeper searching of myself and how I must continually trust God's awesome
love and plan for me.

Life is about the movement of the Holy Spirit, falling deeper in love with Jesus Christ and having a life-long conversation with God. Religious life amplifies this and calls us to remind the Church what it is about: what it can be, longs to be and must be. Now that speaks to my heart and my desire to enter more deeply into the journey.

Please continue to pray for me and all the Postulants.

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