Saturday 15 February 2014

Love is in the Air?

How does a Postulant celebrate Valentine's Day?

Well I'm sure every Postulant celebrates it differently, as does every couple, single person, Friar, community and home.

Let me tell you how I celebrated the day.

My day began with prayer, where I held family and friends in prayer and gave thanks for the gift of their love. Then I went to Mass, where we celebrate the greatest love of all - the love of our God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

After Mass I helped to host a Valentine's Coffee Party for our regular Mass crowd. Fresh muffins, strawberries and chocolates. Thanks to my awesome nephews and nieces for the window clings that decorated the room nicely.

When the clean up was done I packed up and headed out with my Director. We headed out on a four hour hike around a lake and through a wooded area. Talk about God's awesome creation, talk about how God's love shines through in creation. It was a beautiful day, some rain, some cloud, some sun, and a great workout! It was awesome. We hiked, talked, listened, gave thanks and laughed. It was a great way to celebrate Valentine's Day in this year of formation.

The day ended with prayer, supper, enjoying some greetings from some very special kids and me very tired. What a blessed day.

I ask for your prayers this week in a very special way, as I will spend the week at the Novitiate House, in a workshop and checking out the next part of the journey. I'm looking forward to it.

Know of my prayers for you.

Love is...
In order to love simply, it is necessary to know how to show love. - F. Dostoyevsky

Kindness in words creates confidence; kindness in thinking creates profoundness;  kindness in feeling creates love. - L. Tzu

Love lights more fires than hate can extinguish. - E. Wheeler-Wilcox

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