Monday 10 March 2014

Inspired to Learn and Continuing to Grow in Faith

Part of my formation is ongoing education. I have already taken an introductory course in Theology. I have taken part in some workshops on various topics from Pastoral Care to Infant Death Awareness and I also take part in a weekly Gospel reflection as often as I can. I am really enjoying the variety of learning and the different styles that each offers.

As I consider the learning that is yet to come I think of people who inspired me to learn. My elementary school teachers: Miss S. & Mrs. S – who helped to fall in love with reading; Mrs. B. – who taught me how to take notes and introduced me to the gift of drama; and Mr. VB – who encouraged me in a lot but also who fueled my passion for social awareness and the value of history. I am also grateful for the amazing instructors I had in my Youth Ministry, Lay Ministry and Liturgy studies. Last but not least I am thankful for Grandparents who love to read and tell stories and that my parents bought us books, had lots of scrap paper and pencils around and also enjoy to read and tell stories. A good foundation makes learning a gift.

Currently I am working on a course on Spirituality. It is called An Interfaith Journey: Exploring Prayer and Spirituality. It is part of a certificate program that I hope to achieve. The program has been covering different faiths, how prayer is part of the religion, what prayer is and how it is used. We are exploring Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity. It is amazing to discover that prayer really does unite us and we have much in common when it comes to being connected to God. No matter how the golden rule of ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ is worded it is what grounds the faithful and even non-believers. I have been inspired through the learning so far and wish to share with you some quotes that have spoken to me. As I continue on in this deepening faith journey I know these wise words will help shape me and draw me closer to the heart of Jesus. Maybe one will inspire you too.


We have no other reason for being, except to be loved by God… and to love God in return.
-      Thomas Merton

In Christian spirituality, Christ is the central and central to Christ is his death and rising to new life so as to send us a new Spirit.
-          Ron Rolheiser

I am not one in crowd for God, I am not a serialized number nor a catalogued card; I am unrepeatably unique, for God “calls me by name.
-          H. Alphonso

There is hope, unwavering hope. I have hope not in something I’ve done, some purity I’ve maintained, or some sermon I’ve written. I hope in God – the God who reaches out for the enemy, saves a sinner, dies for the weak. That’s the gospel, and I can stake my life on it. I must. And so must you.
                                                                                                                - James Van Tholen

The relationship between a person and another human being is what creates and allows for a relationship with God. If you’re not capable of living with each other and getting along with each other, than you’re not capable of having a relationship with God.
-          B. Feiler

In the name of the God Israel: at my right hand Michael, at my left Gabriel, ahead of me Ariel, behind me Raphael, above my head the glory of God.
-          Traditional Jewish prayer

Who loves, loves God.
-          Elie Wiesel

I have to be a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Jain, a Parsee, a Sikh, a Muslim, and a Jew, as well as a Christian, if I am to know the Truth and to find a point of reconciliation in all religion.
-          Bede Griffiths

Self-realization does not come by itself without doing spiritual practices.
-          Ravi D. Dogra

Prayer at the deepest level is built on the triple foundation of love, faith and aspiration. Prayer opens the door of the heart to let in God and let out ego.  Prayer an inward quest yearning for God’s grace. Prayer fills us with an intense desire to be worthy members of the kingdom of God.
-          Ravi D. Dogra

The spiritual journey involves going beyond hope and fear, stepping into unknown territory, continually moving forward. The most important aspect of being on the spiritual path may be to just keep moving.
-          P. Chodron

We must learn to steer away from pursuing a life of luxury, as it is an obstacle.
-          Dalai Lama

And finally to remind us of the golden rule the Dalai Lama says:
If we look down at the world from space, we would not see any demarcations of national boundaries. We would simply see one small planet, just one.

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