Sunday 16 March 2014

Shone Like the Sun, Shining Like the Son

This past weekend marked the 2nd Sunday of Lent. The Gospel for this Sunday is always the Transfiguration of Jesus. After the ‘ugliness’ of last week’s gospel with the temptations, this week’s gospel is again full of rich images but more positive ones that serve as a foreshadow of the glory and awesomeness of Christ’s Resurrection.

If you will, some thoughts on being part of the Transfiguration…

Lord God,
it is good to  be here.
It is always good to be here,
yet at times I let worry or fear take over
and I forget that you whisper in my ears,
“You too are my beloved, I am pleased with you, don’t be afraid!”

As I journey down the mountain on the path of life,
help me to see you by my side, radiant and yet real.

You desire to have a ‘heart-to-heart’ with me each day,
may I take the time to share in that conversation.

Your brightness over comes my darkness
and allows me to rise up in your love.

May my desire to make dwellings for you,
be transformed into taking action for my brothers and sisters in a humble way.

May I slow down, stop and simply be with you today and every day,
I know in doing so I am nourished and I too can shine like the sun.

The story of the Transfiguration calls us to enjoy the glory of God,
reminds us that Jesus shines his light in our lives
and calls us to live being aware of others and to shine His light into their lives.

As we go about the task of building the kingdom, here are words of encouragement
from Saint Patrick:

I bind to myself today
God’s Power to guide me,
God’s Might to uphold me,
God’s Wisdom to teach me,
God’s Eye to watch over me,
God’s Ear to hear me,
God’s Word to give me speech,
God’s Hand to guide me,
God’s Way to lie before me,
God’s Shield to shelter me,
God’s Host to secure me,
Against the snares of demons,
Against the seductions of vices,
Against the lusts of nature,
Against everyone who meditates injury to me,
Whether far or near,
Whether few or with many.
Christ with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ within me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ at my right,
Christ at my left,
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks to me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

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