Sunday 30 March 2014

Reflecting Again on this Journey

Seven months ago I began this journey as a Postulant. Those seven months have been filled with so much that is new. New place to live, new people on the journey, new ‘rules’, new learning, new challenges. It’s hard to believe that more of this Postulancy Year is behind me than what is left to come.

I am finding that this past year has given me the time to be even more reflective. It has also opened me up in new ways to the movements of the Holy Spirit in my life. I have been reminded to take one day at a time as I look ahead to the journey and the ultimate goal. The growth and the changes and even the challenges have been good. When God is at the core it is good and God is so at my core. This reality continues to settle deeper into me, my core seems to be expanding more and more.

These are thoughts that run through my mind as I sit in a different place in a different province for the last few days.

As part of the ongoing formation we travelled to Edmonton for four days. Edmonton is where one of our main Friaries is located. It is a great house to visit (and will become my home in August 2015).

While in Edmonton this is what has happened:

1. Psychological Assessment - I spent 4 hours doing a variety of things. Two hours were spent doing multiple choice questionnaires and short answer questions. Two hours were then spent with a Psychologist in discussion and performing simple hands on tests (I got to play with blocks!) and verbal tests. This is a mandatory part of our formation. It allows my director and the formation team to know more about me, how I may contribute to life in community and how they can support me in my formation and growth. It also allows me to look at areas where I may need support, need to work on and my strengths.

I’d being lying if I didn’t say I was freaking out before I came to Edmonton to do the Assessment. After much prayer, wise words of wisdom, and sharing my worries with a few good people, I was able to calmly and confidently walk into the Assessment. It turned out to be a good experience. The Psychologist is a really great man and it was really quite comfortable to work through the assessment with him.

2. Cooking in the Kitchen – The Edmonton Friary is known for good food. I had the good fortune of enjoying all day Saturday in the kitchen with two of the patriarchs of the community. These two Friars love to cook. We prepared, we cooked, and we discussed food and community. It was a good day.

3. Mass & Social – The Friars hosted an Open House for friends and neighbors of our community. We gathered for Mass in the Friary chapel and then enjoyed an evening of visiting and good food as we launched the Franciscan Education Fund Awareness Program for the Edmonton area.

The end of the night saw all the ‘young Friars’ and Postulants in the kitchen doing clean up. This always proves to be full of laughs and fun.

4. Rest of the Weekend – Quiet. The rest of our time in Edmonton was pretty low key, quiet, time for prayer, homework, visiting and enjoying time with more Friars.

I also had the chance to sit down with my awesome director and we talked about the months ahead. It will be action packed: my class will come to end very soon, my ministry will begin to wind down, I will have presentations to make to the Friars, there will be sessions to continue with formation and my regular duties at the Friary. Knowing my director there will be a few hikes and few surprises along the way too! Keep checking back here for updates!

I once again humbly ask for your prayers as I go on a personal retreat this week and move into my last few months of this part of my Postulancy.


Most High,
Glorious God,
Enlighten the darkness of my heart
And give me truth faith,
Certain hope and prefect charity,
Sense and knowledge, Lord,
That I may carry out
Your holy and true command.
-          St. Francis


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