Sunday 14 September 2014

In the Waiting I Pray

Stevie’s Prayer

Hello Jesus My Friend,

Jesus, I would like to be able to run and play with the other kids,

But since you have other plans for me, I choose your plan today.

Jesus, for others who hurt you today by saying bad things,

Use my silent mouth to make up for the way they hurt you.

Jesus, for those who listened to things today that made you sad,

I heard a bird sing to make you glad.

Jesus, for those who use their hands or feet to hurt others,

You can use my hands and feet to be a blessing for others.

Jesus, for all families that don’t love each other,

I give you my family to show them how to love.

Come Jesus, to think in my mind, to circulate in my blood,

To breathe in my breathing, to beat in my heart.

Come Jesus, you live in me and let me live in you.

Jesus, I Love You.



Prayer is a common part of my every day. I have specific times that I join our community for prayer, times that I pray on my own, times we gather for Eucharist and certain prayers that I have found and pray at different points in my day.

There is the Prayer to St. Michael that I end each day with, the Angel of God is my final words as I drift off to sleep, my morning prayer are words from Mother Teresa, my prayer to help me enter into the day is a stewardship prayer and a prayer to the Holy Spirit. Not to mention the German Prayer I pray at various times, the Prayer of St. Francis before the crucifix that calls me to trust in this journey and there is the prayer that calls me to keep my focus on serving in the name of Jesus.

I have always been fascinated by prayers and the way prayers are shaped and what they are saying. Some have the right words for those times of sorrow or hurting, others have words for rejoicing andgiving thanks and still others have the right words for the journey of the day. There are thousands upon thousands of printed prayers. People simply trying to express their relationship with God. I know my journals are full of my own prayers, and I have a journal that I keep prayers in that I have found that speak to me.

Over my time of waiting to join my Brothers at the Novitiate, prayer continues to fill me with strength and patience. Certain words on certain days pop out, on other days a specific prayer causes me to smile and reminds me that Jesus is present and God does know what is on my heart. I am appreciating the gift of prayer: spoken prayer, quite meditation, private prayer and communal prayer. Our calling out to God is personal and intimate and yet communal and public as we are members of the Body of Christ.

Last night before I went to bed I was reading a book of prayers. Stevie’s Prayer at the beginning of this blog was one I found. Wow! What a beautiful prayer, written by a young teenager who suffered from cerebral palsy. (I believe he passed away a few years ago at the age of 15.) Stevie added voice to my own daily prayer to be a living icon and living tabernacle of Christ. His words touched my depth and I wanted to share the gift of his words for your journey. His prayer reminded me to trust in God, to call to my mind my actions and the words of the day, and to not be afraid to call out to Jesus and offer my all in his name.

Jesus, I am continually yours, pray in and through me.
This day is yours, I walk with you.
Thank you for loving me and calling me to share my life as I trust in you.

Let us never be afraid to voice our prayers to our loving God.

Know of my continued prayers for you.

I'm still in Canada, my paper work is all in the hands of the Consulate and in final processing. Let's hope they can process quickly this week and everything will be in my hands.
Today marks 1 month since I unofficially entered the Novitiate (or tried to get there).
August 15 was the day that our Novitiate Year officially began, mine technically is August 19. 
My Novice Brothers are all doing well and I see them everyday on Skype during our community sessions. We are in the process of sharing our stories and learning about our personalities and strengths.
Please continue to pray for us. 

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