Sunday 7 September 2014

With Hope Filled Eyes

What the last few weeks have taught me about is hope. Hope is always present, we may not always be able to recognize it or its gifts but still it is here.

Over the past few weeks as I have been waiting to join my Brothers at the Novitiate it is hope that has been my outlook. Not false hope, but hope in the Lord. These weeks have been a grace-filled time.

I have been able to enter into deep prayer and foster a solitude time that is part of our Franciscan charism.
I have been able to serve (also a Franciscan charism) at our Retreat Center, helping both my Brothers and our staff, which has helped me appreciate the gift of this place and good people. It has also fanned the flame of my desire to do retreat work.
I have been able to enjoy a flexible schedule which will not exist to the same freedom when I finally join my Novice Brothers for the year.
I have also been able to enjoy the support of family and friends in a generous way with unexpected communication and conversations.

All signs of Hope, all signs of God at work in the journey, all signs of God knowing what I needed to make this transition into the intensity of the Novitiate Year. Hope has indeed filled these days. It is with hope that I look ahead, as paper work has been submitted and within a few days I should have a plane ticket in my hand and be where I am to be next. If for some reason that is not the case, I will still continue to be filled with hope.

The morning sunrise, a grand tree,
one more bloom, a gentle breeze,
reminds us all, both great and small
of God’s amazing and generous deeds.

Called to love brother and sister,
called to share, called to be,
witnesses for each day,
helping those bound to be set free.

Generous people fill the journey,
helping me on the way,
walking together, supporting each other,
the gift discovered in each day.

Surrounded by goodness and simplicity,
even if I feel the need for it to search,
nature, quiet, people and prayer
all signs of the path to new birth.

The adventure continues to unfold,
I ask, ‘What is next, dear Lord?’
‘Trust in me,’ is God’s response,
and so I say again, ‘yes, my Lord!’

Blessed indeed is the way
that Saint Francis chose to walk,
I choose to follow in this path
and know it becomes my pace and talk.

Most High and Generous God,
Your awesomeness is all around,
this time has been truly graced,
and I do indeed feel princely crowned.

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
– Romans 12.12

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