Tuesday 29 September 2015

Chapter of Mats III

Photos from the First Ever
Canadian Franciscan Chapter of Mats.

Franciscans of Canada.
118 in total in Canada, in photo are those that attended the Chapter of Mats.

Provincial Ministers Marc (left) and Dennis (right)
with General Minister Michael Perry.

Talented Friars.

Translation - Thanks Sr. Claire-Monique! Merci!

General Minister Friar Michael meet Simply Professed Friar Michael
The General Minister is an amazing man who is the head of
all OFM Friars world-wide. He is full of life, joy and enthusiasm.
A talented man from languages, to leadership, to singing.

Along with Prayer, Eating and Meetings
there was time for some Fun and Games.

St. Francis - Pray for Us!

Saturday 26 September 2015

Chapter of Mats II

A week ago the Friars of Canada were preparing to gather for the first time for our first ever Chapter of Mats.

We gathered at a beautiful retreat center set aside on 150 acres. We gathered from nearly coast to coast and even from the United States and Rome. There are currently 118 OFM Friars in Canada, of that, 65+ of us gathered for the Chapter of Mats.

We did indeed gather in prayer, gather in discussions and gather to celebrate the gift of being Friars.
We looked at the challenges we face in Canada and the reality of what it means to become one Canadian OFM Franciscan Province. We discovered some common ground, some interesting histories, some missed opportunities, some new ways to look at our journey.

We were challenged by our Minister General Michael Perry (good name) (Our General Minister lives in Rome) to move forward together. To be brothers working together to continue to spread the gospel in the footsteps of St. Francis. To take the chances, to be radical, to embrace the challenges we will face together so we will be stronger and be able to give a richer and fuller witness.

It was a full few days, that now leaves us Friars in Canada to make some decisions. To look at options for our future and not just talk about them but to truly make them happen. I am still hopeful and excited about this process. I think there will be amazing opportunities and new gifts and blessings that will emerge. It will take work, but building the kingdom of God and spreading the Gospel does indeed take work. I trust that our God is with us and sending his Spirit to inspire us to walk with Christ like our beloved Francis.

Some of the blessings of the few days together were being able to connect with most of the Friars from my own Province, but also the Brothers from Quebec and Ontario. Making new connections and discovering that one of the Friars from Quebec is a distant cousin. How cool is that?

I also had the chance to spend time with my Novitiate classmate Mathieu, which is always an adventure and time well spent.

It was a blessing to lead Prayer with Mathieu one day, to gather in prayer in both French and English and to have the technology to have translation happen for us instantly (Thank you Sr. Claire-Monique).

One of the highlights was to see the talents of the Friars at the community night. Amazing singers, dancers and story tellers filled the night with joy, laughter and amazement. From all over, in collaboration and all ages of Brothers made it a great night.

As I said last week, as the disciples said at the Transfiguration, 'it is good to be here.' It was indeed good to be here. May this goodness only enrich our journey as we work together to be truly Canadian OFM Brothers.

God of All,
we humbly ask for your Spirit
to be upon the Franciscans of Canada
as we work towards a new future.

Guide us as we build your kingdom
in the spirit of St. Francis,
who loved your Son Jesus Christ,
who is Lord for ever and ever.


I hope to include some photos of the event soon.

Saturday 19 September 2015

Chapter of Mats

This coming week will be a new adventure for me in my Franciscan life. I am attending my first Chapter of Mats. Now a Chapter of Mats is not when Franciscans get together to purchase new carpets, rugs, bath or floor mats or even to swap with each other the ones we have. The Chapter of Mats dates back to the Rule of Saint Benedict (before St. Francis) and is a gathering for Friars. Friars from various Provinces (jurisdictions) gather together to discuss important topics, pray together and be community together on a larger scale.

St. Francis himself was part of at least one if not more Chapter of Mats. He gathered all his followers together and they camped out near the Portiuncula, food and drink were supplied by the locals and they gathered in prayer, discussions and to hear St. Francis speak.

For our Chapter of Mats we will not be camping out we are staying at a Retreat Centre and the food and drink will be taken care of by the Retreat Center staff. We will however gather to pray, discuss and be inspired by words from and the life of Saint Francis.

This historic Chapter of Mats will see Friars gather from three different provinces to discuss the future of us becoming one Canadian Franciscan Province. I think this is an exciting time, that will lead to new opportunities, renewed relationships, hope for the future and time to assess the impact the Friars have had across Canada. It will be days of community building, brotherly bonding, intense conversations, deep prayer, struggling with language barriers and a much needed first step for us as Friars.

I see it as an awesome opportunity and look forward to the experience. I am looking forward to meeting more Canadian Friars and reconnecting with my fellow Canadian Brother I journeyed with through the Novitiate. As the disciples said at the Transfiguration, 'it is good to be here.' I go forward with that attitude to embrace this Chapter of Mats.

God of All,
we humbly ask for your Spirit
to be upon the Franciscans of Canada
as they gather this week
for the Chapter of Mats.

Guide them in their discussions,
ease their fears and worries,
help them to embrace the gifts
they offer to build your kingdom
in the spirit of St. Francis,
who loved your Son Jesus Christ,
who is Lord for ever and ever.


I humbly ask your prayers for all the Friars.

Peace and All Good!

Sunday 13 September 2015


Johnny Cash once said: ‘I read novels but I also read the Bible. And study it, you know? And the more I learn, the more excited I get.’ This seems to describe a bit of where I am on my journey right now.

We are reaching the midway point of September so that means that a large amount of Canadians are back in school. This truth also applies for myself. After being out of a classroom for nearly 10 years, I’m back to class and homework. I am adjusting to a school schedule, balancing time between classes, reading (and lots of it) for each class and preparing for class, doing assignments and the reality of community life. Always learning something new which is exciting.

Reading everything from scripture to politics, from early church history to humanitarian efforts, from information on Jesus to information on how to apply for certain things, reading consumes a lot of my time. Thank goodness I like to read! It all comes down to having books surround me when I was a child!

All this reading allows for me to encounter words that inspire me, challenge me, make me laugh and make me think. It reminds me how much I love a good quote!

Around my room I have quotes of all kinds that I use as motivation, which serve as reminders and which keep me focused on the true prize. All this reading also allows me to find new quotes to aid on this journey. This past week alone I discovered four that really stand out.

'Father,' said I, 'do you see, let us say, this vessel lying here to be a little pitcher, or something else?' And he said, 'I see it to be so.' And I replied to him,
'Can it be called by any other name than what it is?'
And he said, 'No.' 'Neither can I call myself anything else than what I am, a Christian.'
– St. Perpetua – 3rd Century Martyr.
‘Read assiduously and learn as much as you can. Let sleep find you holding your Bible,
and when your head nods let it be resting on the sacred page.’
 – St. Jerome – Doctor of the Church
‘Life is the question and life is the answer, and God is the reason and love is the way.’
 – Johnny Cash – The Man in Black
‘My arms are too short to box with God.’
– Johnny Cash – The Man in Black

You just never know how words are going to strike you and sit with you. I love that! So as I continue my studies, as I continue to read both for class and for pleasure I pray for openness. May the words continue to touch my heart, cause me to ponder and cause me to seek truth more. I hope you too can experience this gift and if you know of someone who needs to be read to (a child, the elderly, the sick) please share that gift!



Note: You may notice a lot of Johnny Cash references in this post. September 12 is Johnny Cash Memorial Day, so he was in the mix a bit more this past week.


Sunday 6 September 2015


Jesus to him, "Ephphatha," that is, "Be opened." - Gospel of Mark - Chapter 7

Be opened my heart
to God that stirs and lives in me,
Be opened my mind
to know God's wisdom speaks to me,
Be opened my eyes
to see God all around me,
Be opened my ears
to hear God's voice in my neighbour,
Be opened my hands
to serve God each day,
Be opened my life
to God at work in me,
Be opened my ways
to do everything well,
(and when I don't to have the strength to begin again),
Be opened
to Christ walking with me,
Be opened
to the Spirit guiding me,
Be opened...
Be open.
This week has been about being open that is for sure! Lots to adjust to, process, embrace, learn, be informed about, grow in and discover. It is about being open, and so I venture forth reminding myself to be open and to trust.
This need for openness and trust reminds me of these words from St. Francis de Sales. They seem to tie in nicely with my prayer above.
How to Face the Storms in Life
Do not look forward in fear
to the changes in life;
rather, look to them with
full hope that as they arise,
God, whose very own you are,
will lead you safely
through all things;
and when you cannot stand it,
God will carry you in his arms.
Do not fear
what may happen tomorrow;
the same understanding Father
who cares for you today will take
care of you then and every day.
He will either shield you
from suffering
or will give you unfailing
strength to bear it. 
Be at peace,
and put aside all anxious
thoughts and imaginations.