Saturday 26 September 2015

Chapter of Mats II

A week ago the Friars of Canada were preparing to gather for the first time for our first ever Chapter of Mats.

We gathered at a beautiful retreat center set aside on 150 acres. We gathered from nearly coast to coast and even from the United States and Rome. There are currently 118 OFM Friars in Canada, of that, 65+ of us gathered for the Chapter of Mats.

We did indeed gather in prayer, gather in discussions and gather to celebrate the gift of being Friars.
We looked at the challenges we face in Canada and the reality of what it means to become one Canadian OFM Franciscan Province. We discovered some common ground, some interesting histories, some missed opportunities, some new ways to look at our journey.

We were challenged by our Minister General Michael Perry (good name) (Our General Minister lives in Rome) to move forward together. To be brothers working together to continue to spread the gospel in the footsteps of St. Francis. To take the chances, to be radical, to embrace the challenges we will face together so we will be stronger and be able to give a richer and fuller witness.

It was a full few days, that now leaves us Friars in Canada to make some decisions. To look at options for our future and not just talk about them but to truly make them happen. I am still hopeful and excited about this process. I think there will be amazing opportunities and new gifts and blessings that will emerge. It will take work, but building the kingdom of God and spreading the Gospel does indeed take work. I trust that our God is with us and sending his Spirit to inspire us to walk with Christ like our beloved Francis.

Some of the blessings of the few days together were being able to connect with most of the Friars from my own Province, but also the Brothers from Quebec and Ontario. Making new connections and discovering that one of the Friars from Quebec is a distant cousin. How cool is that?

I also had the chance to spend time with my Novitiate classmate Mathieu, which is always an adventure and time well spent.

It was a blessing to lead Prayer with Mathieu one day, to gather in prayer in both French and English and to have the technology to have translation happen for us instantly (Thank you Sr. Claire-Monique).

One of the highlights was to see the talents of the Friars at the community night. Amazing singers, dancers and story tellers filled the night with joy, laughter and amazement. From all over, in collaboration and all ages of Brothers made it a great night.

As I said last week, as the disciples said at the Transfiguration, 'it is good to be here.' It was indeed good to be here. May this goodness only enrich our journey as we work together to be truly Canadian OFM Brothers.

God of All,
we humbly ask for your Spirit
to be upon the Franciscans of Canada
as we work towards a new future.

Guide us as we build your kingdom
in the spirit of St. Francis,
who loved your Son Jesus Christ,
who is Lord for ever and ever.


I hope to include some photos of the event soon.

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