Saturday 19 September 2015

Chapter of Mats

This coming week will be a new adventure for me in my Franciscan life. I am attending my first Chapter of Mats. Now a Chapter of Mats is not when Franciscans get together to purchase new carpets, rugs, bath or floor mats or even to swap with each other the ones we have. The Chapter of Mats dates back to the Rule of Saint Benedict (before St. Francis) and is a gathering for Friars. Friars from various Provinces (jurisdictions) gather together to discuss important topics, pray together and be community together on a larger scale.

St. Francis himself was part of at least one if not more Chapter of Mats. He gathered all his followers together and they camped out near the Portiuncula, food and drink were supplied by the locals and they gathered in prayer, discussions and to hear St. Francis speak.

For our Chapter of Mats we will not be camping out we are staying at a Retreat Centre and the food and drink will be taken care of by the Retreat Center staff. We will however gather to pray, discuss and be inspired by words from and the life of Saint Francis.

This historic Chapter of Mats will see Friars gather from three different provinces to discuss the future of us becoming one Canadian Franciscan Province. I think this is an exciting time, that will lead to new opportunities, renewed relationships, hope for the future and time to assess the impact the Friars have had across Canada. It will be days of community building, brotherly bonding, intense conversations, deep prayer, struggling with language barriers and a much needed first step for us as Friars.

I see it as an awesome opportunity and look forward to the experience. I am looking forward to meeting more Canadian Friars and reconnecting with my fellow Canadian Brother I journeyed with through the Novitiate. As the disciples said at the Transfiguration, 'it is good to be here.' I go forward with that attitude to embrace this Chapter of Mats.

God of All,
we humbly ask for your Spirit
to be upon the Franciscans of Canada
as they gather this week
for the Chapter of Mats.

Guide them in their discussions,
ease their fears and worries,
help them to embrace the gifts
they offer to build your kingdom
in the spirit of St. Francis,
who loved your Son Jesus Christ,
who is Lord for ever and ever.


I humbly ask your prayers for all the Friars.

Peace and All Good!

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