Sunday 8 November 2015

Am I Ready?

Lord, if your people still need me,
I am ready for the task; your will be done.
-St. Martin de Porres
This past week we celebrated the feast of St. Martin de Porres (who has always been a favorite of mine). He lived from 1569-1639 in Lima, Peru. He is considered mixed race being born of a Spanish father and black mother. He is known for his kindness and service to the poor and sick. He is the patron saint of hair-dressers, public-health workers and persons of mixed race.
I came across the above quote of his and it really struck me. It has crossed my mind several times throughout the week and I keep coming back to it. His openness, his complete trust in God, his willingness to completely empty his life for Christ.These seem to jump out of his quote.
The intimacy of being able to say to God, “if your people still need me” shows to me his close relationship with God. His willingness to serve, to give his all, to work for the Lord. We as God’s people are always in need of encountering God in our lives. Each day this desire is hopefully met through the actions, words, and kindness of fellow believers and even non-believers. This quote of St. Martin de Pores really has me thinking about my actions, words and kindness. How am I an encounter of God for the person who is need?

It also has me thinking about my willingness to serve the Lord. St. Martin says, “I am ready for the task.” I try each day to say the same thing, but his words seem to across so confident and driven. I wonder if mine sound the same or come across as, “I guess if you need me I’m pretty sure I can fit it today and I think I am ready to this for You.” It is a challenge indeed to live with conviction, honesty, and to let the gift of my heart lead to work with passion for the Lord. “Your will be done,” we say each time we pray the Lord’s Prayer, that is where the “I am ready” hits the road. God’s will being done in my life, my gifts, my words, my actions, and my kindness put into action for God. For in doing so I know that I look beyond myself and hopefully give thanks to God for all I have been blessed with.

The quote from St. Martin de Porres also reminds me of the two widows in today’s scripture readings at Mass. The one who encounters Elijah is preparing to die because of lack of food but still says “if you need me Lord I am ready for the task.” In doing so she and her family are blessed. In her weakest moment she trusted in God and said “I can do this.” The widow of the gospel who gives her last penny to the temple, is also an example of being ready. She gives out of her poverty, she has nothing left, yet gives with generosity for her God. It is easy to be ready, and do God’s will when all is right and I will benefit, it is a different story when I do so out of my weakness and poverty. It is in being able to say “I am ready, your will Lord” in these moments that truly is living from the heart for God and serving God’s people.

I see I am challenged to ponder more my living and serving and continue to open myself to the Lord. I hope you are as well and find the way and strength to say “I am ready for the task Lord, your will be done.”

Thank you St. Martin de Porres for your example. Pray for us.

As we look ahead to this week, be sure to take the time to Pause and Remember.
We pray for peace,
we pray for those who suffer from war and destruction,
we pray for those who mourn due to the tragedy of war,
we pray for those who work to make the world a better place,
we pray that we may have the courage to be instruments of peace.

Lest We Forget.

St. Martin of Tours - pray for us.
St. Francis - pray for us.

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