Sunday 22 November 2015

The Kingdom of God

Origen (was a scholar and early Christian theologian who was born and spent the first half of his career in Alexandria) wrote the following:

The kingdom of God, in the words of our Lord and Savior, does not come for all to see; nor shall they say: Behold, here it is, or behold, there it is; but the kingdom of God is within us, for the word of God is very near, in our mouth and in or heart. Thus it is clear that the one who prays for the coming of God’s kingdom prays rightly to have it within themselves, that there it may grow and bear fruit and become perfect. For God reigns in each of God’s holy ones.
These words offer a lot to reflect upon...

As we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King and this final week of this liturgical year, Origen reminds me that Christ is always present. Christ’s kingdom is in our reach for it dwells within us, as much as it dwells in our heavenly home. That is challenging. The word of God is in our mouth and in our heart. It really makes me ponder my words and what lies in my heart. Are they kingdom building? Are they the words and actions of Christ?

As Origen points out the one who prays for the coming of the kingdom (words from the Lord’s Prayer) is open to having the kingdom dwell within them. Thanks be to God for that! Thank goodness each day as we pray the words of the Lord’s Prayer we more and more open ourselves up to the kingdom of God. Slowly it unfolds in us, and hopefully we can take it beyond ourselves into the world around us. I believe that this slow unfolding is part of our life journey and prepares us to embrace the gift of the heavenly kingdom. One that we build here and now, one that will embrace us in our final breath.

Origen also reminds us that God reigns in us. Yes we are God’s holy ones! Each of us, friend and neighbour, the stranger, the lonely, the sick, the struggling, the refugee, the rich, the poor, the man, the woman, the child, each of us who is open to being a dwelling place for God. Each of us are holy. We so often forget about our holiness and think it is only for the saints, but we too are holy. We are made in the image of God and that calls us to holiness and the fullness of life. No matter how the journey goes, we are called to holiness, to God reigning in us and to building the kingdom.

Together let us build the kingdom that dwells within each of us.
Together let us let go of our selfishness and embrace the kingdom that is for everyone.
Together let us be a sign of welcome for others, let us invite others to the kingdom and help them find the one that dwells within them already.

Almighty and merciful God,
You break the power of evil
And make all things new in
your son Jesus Christ, the King of the universe.
May all in heaven and earth proclaim
your glory and never cease to praise you.

May our mouths and hearts carry forth the kingdom today, this week and the weeks ahead.
Together... We are the Body of Christ.

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