Monday 16 November 2015

O Holy Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

St. Elizabeth - Ceramic Mural by Lorraine Malach -  1991
Displayed in our Dining Room

Anyone who knows me knows that I love the saints. All saints have an interesting story, but some saint stories seem to just reach deeper into my heart and call out to me. November 17 is the day we celebrate St. Elizabeth of Hungary.  She was a remarkable woman who lived from 1207 until 1231. She was a princess and one who truly showed the world what a princess should be.
She also has a special place in the heart of Franciscans, not only did she live nearly at same time of St. Francis of Assisi. She too was inspired by him and is known as the Patroness of the Secular Franciscans. She inspires me to give my all for Christ, to care for the needy, to be mindful of others, to realize my greatest possess is heaven and to trust deeply in our loving God.

O Holy Saint Elizabeth,
Consoler of the poor,
Guide me in my efforts to serve the poor around me.

O Holy Saint Elizabeth,
Protectress of the needy,
Help me to be generous with my time and talents.
O Holy Saint Elizabeth,
Visitor of the sick,
Strengthen my resolve to present for the ill.

O Holy Saint Elizabeth,
Supporter of the Friars Minor,
Encourage me to walk in the footsteps of St. Francis with Christ.

O Holy Saint Elizabeth,
Woman of prayer,
Stir in my heart the peace to spend time in prayer.
O Holy Saint Elizabeth,
Radiator of joy,
Inspire me to be a joyful icon of Christ.

O Holy Saint Elizabeth,
Royal Child of God, Sister of Christ,
Remind me that I too have this dignity.

O Holy Saint Elizabeth,
Trustworthy Servant,
Open to me the ways to trust in God more.


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