Sunday 28 February 2016

God of Second Chances

Jesus told this parable: ‘A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came looking for fruit on it and found none. So he said to the gardener, “See here! For three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree, and still I find none. Cut it down! Why should it be wasting the soil?” He replied, “Sir, let it alone for one more year, until I dig round it and put manure on it. If it bears fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.” 
-                                                                                                                             - Luke 13.6-9

I have never considered the parable of the fig tree as a reflection of God continually giving us another chance to experience love, mercy and being drawn to fuller life in God. I can now, thanks to the wisdom and final words in a homily of Br. Regi, consider this a beautiful insight, even a change of heart. I always considered this parable harsh. However it really is about mercy, about abundance, about a second (or 3rd, 4th, 5th…) chance. It is about the opportunity to grow, the opportunity to bear fruit, to become our best self. God desires that more than anything and the fig tree reminds us of that.

I believe too often we think of second chances after something bad has happened or we have done something wrong. I now see this parable as a reminder that second chances come when our first chance has been stunted, detoured, never launched properly or wasn’t planted in healthy soil. That is what is so amazing, our God loves to lavish us with every opportunity to be the child of God he created us and loved us into being (and this includes second chances).

The world is the one that says, “This tree bears no fruit, cut it down.”
The world says, “You don’t fit the right mould, you are not this or that, 
you are not instant enough for us.”
The world says, “Get rid of it, it is a waste of time, move on, you are done, finished, 
who cares?”

However our God of Second Chances, through Jesus, is the one who is like the gardener and says, “Let it alone, I will dig around it, nurture it, I will ensure it bears fruit.”
Jesus says, “I see potential each day, I notice a bud of transformation, a bud of the deepness God planted starting to burst, a bud of trust and promise.”
Jesus says, “I give you a second chance because you are valued, loved and precious, you are well and good and I came so that you may have life, and have it to the fullest.”

The God of Second Chances desires nothing more than for us to realize how loved we are and how God will never tire of saying over and over and over (second chance, 3rd, 4th, etc…) to us, “You are worth more than the world, continue to bear good fruit!”

God, the Great I AM,
God of Second Chances,
You love us more than anything,
help our unbelief that we may
embrace your boundless love and mercy.

You continually nurture us,
help us to trust your goodness
that is growing in us and
calling us to life and to bear fruit.

You are the God of Second Chances,
because your love is infinite,
help us to see and embrace the graces of your love
in the second chance we receive,
so in turn we may share our blessings
to help others in their second chances to grow, 
to nurture others and embrace the new reality given to us all
in the grace of our second chance (our redemption).

Thank you for this gift,
may we continue to see where and how we bear fruit,
where and how second chances impact our life,
so as to praise you more and more. 

Here is to a mid-Lenten week full of second chances.

Sunday 21 February 2016

Review: Chapter 2016: Renew, Restructure & Ready the Way!

    First of all, thank you for your prayers for the Franciscans as we gathered in Chapter. Your prayers indeed blended with ours and Chapter was a life-giving and hope-filled experience.

    It is always a blessing to gather with the Brothers. Our fraternal bond is a gift, and it allows for us to interact with Brothers we don’t get to see often enough. Our time of prayer together is also nourishing and powerful. All our voices raised in song, prayer and praise to God is indeed a powerful gift. Our time of discussion and presentations were full of energy and vision.

    As a ‘guest’ to this Chapter (remember passive voice – non-voter) it was a privilege to see my Brothers at work. They shared with each other, they affirmed each other, they listened to each other and they even let us passive voice Brothers contribute with a sense of equality and fraternal respect.

    I had the privilege of being a spokesperson for my discussion group. I was able to address the whole group several times and ask questions for clarification. I had the privilege of sitting next to Br. Joe (the other simply professed Friar) as he recorded the election results for official publication (as in will be sent to Rome). I had the privilege to work with my Brothers to help lead and coordinate some of the liturgies and Eucharistic celebrations. For me working in and for liturgy is truly life-giving so this was holy ground. I had the privilege of time for quiet, time for walks (and enjoying the view of the mountains), time for personal conversations and time for prayer. And yes, I even found some time to read for class.

    This was my first Chapter and it was indeed a good first one. I look ahead with hope and promise. I look ahead with a deepening discernment and a greater awareness of my journey as a Friar. I look ahead with gratitude and openness as God continues to work in me. I look ahead with enthusiasm of good works of our new Provincial Council unfolds and embraces each of us in our life as Friars.

    Each Friar was asked to submit a short reflection for the new council to consider as they look ahead. In mine I wrote, “I am growing more in the understanding of the we of fraternity and that I am a vessel open to God at work in me. My future is not my own” and to that I would now add “it is not my own, but I know it is in God’s hands and I have brothers who will be there to support me.”

    As the Friars return to our Friaries and our regular routines, as we face challenges and obstacles, as we face down days, good days and more blessings I pray that the hope and vision we experienced this week will be at our core and remind us that God is at work and God’s mercy is boundless.

Chapter also meant elections for Provincial Council. In a very short and efficient manner the Friars elected Robert Mokry, OFM as Provincial. Fr. Bob has just returned from missionary work in Morocco. They also elected Pierre Ducharme, OFM as Vicar Provincial. Fr. Pierre is associate pastor at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Sherwood Park, AB. These two Brothers will work with the newly elected council consisting of Paul Smith, OFM, Daniel Gurnick, OFM, Kevin Lynch, OFM, and Manoj Xalxo, OFM.

(L-R: Brothers Kevin, Paul, Ambrose, Manoj, Pierre, Robert, Daniel, CaoimhĂ­n)

Chapter concluded with all the Friars walking through the Jubilee of Mercy Holy Door and the celebration of Eucharist. This was a beautiful reminder that God is indeed showering bountiful mercy and graces upon the work of the Friars.

Peace and All Good!

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!

May all of us, you, me and everyone continue 
to be transformed into the true Children of God that we are!

May light continue to be cast on our Lenten Journey!

Saturday 13 February 2016

Renew, Restructure and Ready the Way! Let Chapter Begin...

This past week I was sharing with someone that for a man who likes security and structure it sure is interesting that I feel called to this Franciscan way of life that does not always offer security and structure, it does however offer changes. I believe that thought crossed my mind as we prepare for more changes and looking ahead to the future of the Franciscans in Canada.

This coming week I am preparing to attend my first ever Provincial Chapter. A Provincial Chapter happens every 3 years. It is a time for the Friars to gather for a week of discussions, presentations, discernment, prayer and celebration. It is a time for us to look back over the last 3 years and to look ahead to the future, our plans, our goals, our ministry. It is a time of calling forth gifts and leadership, it is a time of trust, and it is a time of renewal and of course change!

During Provincial Chapters we elect our Brothers into roles of leadership. From among the solemnly professed Brothers we select a Provincial and Vicar Provincial and the Provincial Council. Our current Provincial and Vicar Provincial have both served in these roles the maximum time allowed by our constitutions. No matter what, as of this coming week we will have a new Friar at the helm of our Province. Both outgoing Friars have done a tremendous job and have served our Province well. I know they are both looking forward to enjoying other ministries. With new Friars in leadership roles will come changes among the leadership of our Friaries and maybe even in places we serve and who lives where. (I’m pretty much guaranteed to still be living where I am because I’m a student.)

As a simply professed Friar I have what they call a Passive Voice. This means I take part in everything, I can contribute to conversations, voice my ideas, give suggestions and support others, but I cannot vote (there is 1 other Brother in the same situation). You have to be solemnly professed to vote.

This is a unique situation to be in at this particular time. For at this Chapter we will be discussing restructuring of the Franciscans in Canada. How will the Friars from the West, Ontario and Quebec work together and become one? How will we be transformed? How will we continue to offer our way of living to Canada? How will we minister? All very important questions and I feel privileged to be able to contribute to it and look ahead to our future.

This is not our only topic we will have input on the Religious Practices of Canadians – looking at trends, we have input on Retreat ministries and discuss our role in that, we will also discuss formation of Friars and at every Chapter there are resolutions and recommendations that are presented and voted on.

It will be an interesting and exciting time. It will be good to be with all the Brothers. It will be challenging to remember my role as a simply professed friar (I’m grateful that I am even allowed to have a voice) and find time to read (since I’m on my Reading Week Break). It will be a time for renewal, restructuring and readying the way for a future rooted in Christ and continuing to walk with St. Francis.

Our Minister General, Michael Perry (head Friar of all Friars of the world), has challenged us to be “Friars and Minors towards the peripheries” He has said, “We need to get to the heart of who we are as Friars and Minors and not focus simply or exclusively on what we do! We are called to reclaim the charismatic, itinerant nature of our Gospel life, walking by faith and not by sight, nor by fear, nor by false sense of historical security. Let us reclaim who we truly are: Friars and Minors called to go to the peripheries!”

With that challenge I go forth to Chapter, all I can do is hope and pray that all the Brothers do the same. I think it is a great challenge to have to try and take up! It will involve change, it will involve risk taking, it will be a time of renewal and hope and it will be a time for us to identify where the peripheries are and how we are to be there!

I humbly ask your prayers! We need your prayers, so we may be open to the work of the Holy Spirit and the work of this Chapter! I thank you now and look forward to sending an update on the adventure of my first Chapter next week!

God our Father,
As the Franciscans of Western Canada

assemble in Chapter,

let them gather in your name.
Give them confidence in your presence
and let them greet one another with love and respect.
Guide them to make the right decisions
even when they seem difficult.
Help them to listen with patience
and to speak with love,
that they may discern your will and follow it.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Tuesday 9 February 2016

Ash Wednesday: Lent Begins

The last of the Christmas decorations have found their boxes,
The green plants have been moved to ‘hiding’ for the weeks ahead,
The green cloths have been neatly folded and placed away,
The pancakes have been devoured, the wine glass licked dry,
The purple has found its way back to a place of dominance,
The palms have been burnt, the ashes are prepared,
It is a season for change, for journey, for mercy, for reflection,
It is the season of Lent and ready or not we enter in.

Lent is not exactly my favorite part of the year,
It never has been, I’m not sure why,
It may have to do with the fact that
I may need to face truths about myself,
My mortality may become more evident,
It causes me to look at areas I need to grow.

However, each year as much as I don’t like it,
I trust that this journey will lead me to deeper awareness,
To experience Christ in a way I have not before,
To open myself up to little miracles that fill the journey.

Lent means springtime, and springtime means hope,
And hope means life and life means Christ,
And Christ means mercy, freedom, love and a changed heart!
So as this Lent begins I echo the words from Morning Prayer:
‘My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready.’ and
‘When you fast, do not put on a gloomy face, like the hypocrites’.

Okay, Lent, let’s give you a try again this year…
With sacrifices, with fasting, with prayers, with alms-giving,
I know the journey will be worth it, I pray I can endure
And when I fail or stumble may I remember that Christ is with me,
And will not abandon me but encourage me to continue to journey,
For it leads to Him and Easter Joy!

Today, God brings us to the beginning of Lent.
We pray that in this time of salvation he will fill us with the Holy Spirit,
Purify our hearts, and strengthen us in love.
Teach us to be loving not only in great and exceptional moments,
But above all in the ordinary events of daily life.
May we abstain from what we do not really need,
And help our brothers and sisters in distress,
May we appreciate the wounds of your Son,
For through his body he gave us life.

-Ash Wednesday Morning Prayer

Saturday 6 February 2016

Casting the Net

Luke 5. 1-11
“For Simon Peter and all who were with him were amazed at the catch of fish that they had taken…”

Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.”

“When they brought their boats ashore, they left everything and followed Jesus.”

Caught in God’s love,
all people of the world.

Caught in Christ’s mercy,
all who need redemption.

Caught in the Spirit’s power,
all called to witness.

The kingdom of God,
like a net bursting full.

The kingdom of God,
like a net strong and supportive.

The kingdom of God,
like a net keeping us in God.

Lord God,
Help us to be caught up
in your love and mercy,
to not be afraid,
rather to be amazed
by your invitation each day
to live as a wise fishers
and follow Jesus, your Son.
