Saturday 13 February 2016

Renew, Restructure and Ready the Way! Let Chapter Begin...

This past week I was sharing with someone that for a man who likes security and structure it sure is interesting that I feel called to this Franciscan way of life that does not always offer security and structure, it does however offer changes. I believe that thought crossed my mind as we prepare for more changes and looking ahead to the future of the Franciscans in Canada.

This coming week I am preparing to attend my first ever Provincial Chapter. A Provincial Chapter happens every 3 years. It is a time for the Friars to gather for a week of discussions, presentations, discernment, prayer and celebration. It is a time for us to look back over the last 3 years and to look ahead to the future, our plans, our goals, our ministry. It is a time of calling forth gifts and leadership, it is a time of trust, and it is a time of renewal and of course change!

During Provincial Chapters we elect our Brothers into roles of leadership. From among the solemnly professed Brothers we select a Provincial and Vicar Provincial and the Provincial Council. Our current Provincial and Vicar Provincial have both served in these roles the maximum time allowed by our constitutions. No matter what, as of this coming week we will have a new Friar at the helm of our Province. Both outgoing Friars have done a tremendous job and have served our Province well. I know they are both looking forward to enjoying other ministries. With new Friars in leadership roles will come changes among the leadership of our Friaries and maybe even in places we serve and who lives where. (I’m pretty much guaranteed to still be living where I am because I’m a student.)

As a simply professed Friar I have what they call a Passive Voice. This means I take part in everything, I can contribute to conversations, voice my ideas, give suggestions and support others, but I cannot vote (there is 1 other Brother in the same situation). You have to be solemnly professed to vote.

This is a unique situation to be in at this particular time. For at this Chapter we will be discussing restructuring of the Franciscans in Canada. How will the Friars from the West, Ontario and Quebec work together and become one? How will we be transformed? How will we continue to offer our way of living to Canada? How will we minister? All very important questions and I feel privileged to be able to contribute to it and look ahead to our future.

This is not our only topic we will have input on the Religious Practices of Canadians – looking at trends, we have input on Retreat ministries and discuss our role in that, we will also discuss formation of Friars and at every Chapter there are resolutions and recommendations that are presented and voted on.

It will be an interesting and exciting time. It will be good to be with all the Brothers. It will be challenging to remember my role as a simply professed friar (I’m grateful that I am even allowed to have a voice) and find time to read (since I’m on my Reading Week Break). It will be a time for renewal, restructuring and readying the way for a future rooted in Christ and continuing to walk with St. Francis.

Our Minister General, Michael Perry (head Friar of all Friars of the world), has challenged us to be “Friars and Minors towards the peripheries” He has said, “We need to get to the heart of who we are as Friars and Minors and not focus simply or exclusively on what we do! We are called to reclaim the charismatic, itinerant nature of our Gospel life, walking by faith and not by sight, nor by fear, nor by false sense of historical security. Let us reclaim who we truly are: Friars and Minors called to go to the peripheries!”

With that challenge I go forth to Chapter, all I can do is hope and pray that all the Brothers do the same. I think it is a great challenge to have to try and take up! It will involve change, it will involve risk taking, it will be a time of renewal and hope and it will be a time for us to identify where the peripheries are and how we are to be there!

I humbly ask your prayers! We need your prayers, so we may be open to the work of the Holy Spirit and the work of this Chapter! I thank you now and look forward to sending an update on the adventure of my first Chapter next week!

God our Father,
As the Franciscans of Western Canada

assemble in Chapter,

let them gather in your name.
Give them confidence in your presence
and let them greet one another with love and respect.
Guide them to make the right decisions
even when they seem difficult.
Help them to listen with patience
and to speak with love,
that they may discern your will and follow it.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


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