Tuesday 9 February 2016

Ash Wednesday: Lent Begins

The last of the Christmas decorations have found their boxes,
The green plants have been moved to ‘hiding’ for the weeks ahead,
The green cloths have been neatly folded and placed away,
The pancakes have been devoured, the wine glass licked dry,
The purple has found its way back to a place of dominance,
The palms have been burnt, the ashes are prepared,
It is a season for change, for journey, for mercy, for reflection,
It is the season of Lent and ready or not we enter in.

Lent is not exactly my favorite part of the year,
It never has been, I’m not sure why,
It may have to do with the fact that
I may need to face truths about myself,
My mortality may become more evident,
It causes me to look at areas I need to grow.

However, each year as much as I don’t like it,
I trust that this journey will lead me to deeper awareness,
To experience Christ in a way I have not before,
To open myself up to little miracles that fill the journey.

Lent means springtime, and springtime means hope,
And hope means life and life means Christ,
And Christ means mercy, freedom, love and a changed heart!
So as this Lent begins I echo the words from Morning Prayer:
‘My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready.’ and
‘When you fast, do not put on a gloomy face, like the hypocrites’.

Okay, Lent, let’s give you a try again this year…
With sacrifices, with fasting, with prayers, with alms-giving,
I know the journey will be worth it, I pray I can endure
And when I fail or stumble may I remember that Christ is with me,
And will not abandon me but encourage me to continue to journey,
For it leads to Him and Easter Joy!

Today, God brings us to the beginning of Lent.
We pray that in this time of salvation he will fill us with the Holy Spirit,
Purify our hearts, and strengthen us in love.
Teach us to be loving not only in great and exceptional moments,
But above all in the ordinary events of daily life.
May we abstain from what we do not really need,
And help our brothers and sisters in distress,
May we appreciate the wounds of your Son,
For through his body he gave us life.

-Ash Wednesday Morning Prayer

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