Sunday 21 February 2016

Review: Chapter 2016: Renew, Restructure & Ready the Way!

    First of all, thank you for your prayers for the Franciscans as we gathered in Chapter. Your prayers indeed blended with ours and Chapter was a life-giving and hope-filled experience.

    It is always a blessing to gather with the Brothers. Our fraternal bond is a gift, and it allows for us to interact with Brothers we don’t get to see often enough. Our time of prayer together is also nourishing and powerful. All our voices raised in song, prayer and praise to God is indeed a powerful gift. Our time of discussion and presentations were full of energy and vision.

    As a ‘guest’ to this Chapter (remember passive voice – non-voter) it was a privilege to see my Brothers at work. They shared with each other, they affirmed each other, they listened to each other and they even let us passive voice Brothers contribute with a sense of equality and fraternal respect.

    I had the privilege of being a spokesperson for my discussion group. I was able to address the whole group several times and ask questions for clarification. I had the privilege of sitting next to Br. Joe (the other simply professed Friar) as he recorded the election results for official publication (as in will be sent to Rome). I had the privilege to work with my Brothers to help lead and coordinate some of the liturgies and Eucharistic celebrations. For me working in and for liturgy is truly life-giving so this was holy ground. I had the privilege of time for quiet, time for walks (and enjoying the view of the mountains), time for personal conversations and time for prayer. And yes, I even found some time to read for class.

    This was my first Chapter and it was indeed a good first one. I look ahead with hope and promise. I look ahead with a deepening discernment and a greater awareness of my journey as a Friar. I look ahead with gratitude and openness as God continues to work in me. I look ahead with enthusiasm of good works of our new Provincial Council unfolds and embraces each of us in our life as Friars.

    Each Friar was asked to submit a short reflection for the new council to consider as they look ahead. In mine I wrote, “I am growing more in the understanding of the we of fraternity and that I am a vessel open to God at work in me. My future is not my own” and to that I would now add “it is not my own, but I know it is in God’s hands and I have brothers who will be there to support me.”

    As the Friars return to our Friaries and our regular routines, as we face challenges and obstacles, as we face down days, good days and more blessings I pray that the hope and vision we experienced this week will be at our core and remind us that God is at work and God’s mercy is boundless.

Chapter also meant elections for Provincial Council. In a very short and efficient manner the Friars elected Robert Mokry, OFM as Provincial. Fr. Bob has just returned from missionary work in Morocco. They also elected Pierre Ducharme, OFM as Vicar Provincial. Fr. Pierre is associate pastor at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Sherwood Park, AB. These two Brothers will work with the newly elected council consisting of Paul Smith, OFM, Daniel Gurnick, OFM, Kevin Lynch, OFM, and Manoj Xalxo, OFM.

(L-R: Brothers Kevin, Paul, Ambrose, Manoj, Pierre, Robert, Daniel, Caoimhín)

Chapter concluded with all the Friars walking through the Jubilee of Mercy Holy Door and the celebration of Eucharist. This was a beautiful reminder that God is indeed showering bountiful mercy and graces upon the work of the Friars.

Peace and All Good!

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!

May all of us, you, me and everyone continue 
to be transformed into the true Children of God that we are!

May light continue to be cast on our Lenten Journey!

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