Sunday 12 June 2016

Blessed Be The Lord My Rock

When I doubt and worry… Blessed be the Lord my Rock.
When I feel unworthy… Blessed be the Lord my Rock.
When I fear and feel alone… Blessed be the Lord my Rock.
When I let uncertainty have the lead… Blessed be the Lord my Rock.

Blessed be the Lord my Rock for I am strengthened and renewed.
Blessed be the Lord my Rock who sets me free to do God’s will.

When I am strong and full of life… Blessed be the Lord my Rock.
When I am filled with confidence… Blessed be the Lord my Rock.
When I am conquering depths before me… Blessed be the Lord my Rock.
When I am rich in courage for there is always hope… Blessed be the Lord my Rock.

Blessed be the Lord my Rock who is my strength and courage.
Blessed be the Lord my Rock who keeps me in God’s shelter.

Blessed be the Lord my Rock!

Lord Jesus,
You are my rock.
I cling to you when life tries to pull me away,
I rest on you when I feel more connected,
I rely on you when I need strength and courage,
I gain from you my hope and inspiration,
I surrender in you and trust in you
for you are my rock, my fortress,
You will not cast me out or let me sink,
rather you give me shelter,
enable me to build upon your foundation,
lift me up and renew me.


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