Sunday 19 June 2016

To the Dads

To the Dads who lead with no resources…
To the Dads who have nothing but make something…
To the Dads who know the gift of prayer…
To the Dads who inspire and encourage…
To the Dads who trust in God…
To the Dads who embrace their gifts…
To the Dads who lead by example…
                May you know the love and strength of God.

To the Dads who are hurting…
To the Dads who feel alone…
To the Dads who don’t know how to be…
To the Dads who hide their pain…
To the Dads who can’t handle the responsibility…
To the Dads who don’t know love…
To the Dads who don't know how to love well…
                May you know the strength and peace of God.

To the Dads who have big families…
To the Dads who have an only child…
To the Dads who have families in between large and only..
To the Dads who are single…
To the Dads who are forming new families…
To the Dads who have lost a child…
To the Dads who wait for the birth of their child…
                May you know the peace and courage of God.

To the men who desire to be a Dad…
To the men who are like Dads when ours can’t be…
To the men who care for children who are not their own…
To the men who have big hearts for all…
To the men who build a better world…
To the men who love their wife and children…
To the men who are seeking to do the right thing…
                May you know the courage and love of God.

To Dads, Grandfathers, Uncles, Godfathers…
To Brothers, Brother-in-laws, Cousins…
To Friends, Neighbors, Strangers…
To Men who see the gift of Fatherhood regardless if they are a Dad…

               Thank you! Happy Fathers Day!

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