Thursday 2 June 2016

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus maybe a little less known now then what was in the past, however it is a feast that celebrates the human, spiritual and divine love of Jesus. This is the love that we the Children of God are wrapped up in and this is the love that is poured into our hearts that we are called to share with our families, neighbours, communities and the world.

There is something about this feast that draws me in and holds me. Last year while I was in the Novitiate it was the theme for our Year End Retreat and it was a powerful encounter with Christ. I pray that each of us may continue to open ourselves up to the amazing love of Jesus.

“God’s love has been poured into our hearts” Romans 5.5b

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Pour your love into my heart
So I may love like you.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
In every moment you love me the same
Help me to remember this promise.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Precious is the gift of love
May this precious gift grow deeper in me.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
The gift of your love is unconditionally free
Help me to experience and share it that way.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Even in moments of pain or sorrow
Your heart understands my heart.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Pour your love into me
May it infuse my everything.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Your love consumes me and fills me,
Your love which is beyond
time, relationship and needs
is poured into my life and
calls me to holiness,
calls me to life,
calls me to turn to you and trust.

May your Sacred Heart open me up more 
and deepen my faith and trust in you.

May your Sacred Heart break away what is stone in my heart
and what keeps me from enfleshing you more and more.

May your Sacred Heart be what consumes my heart each day,
so my life may be full of praise and thanksgiving and radiate you.


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