Wednesday 3 August 2016

Richly Blessed

There is a lot sitting on my heart and going through my mind today. There has been a lot of blessings in the last few weeks and I would like to share them with you… let’s go by categories.

Summer School:
Sure, I’ll count it as a blessing. Why? Because the class was really interesting, Br. Ben and I were asked to share a bit about our journey and the professor shared about his. Believe it or not I enjoyed writing the paper for this class (now just a pesky exam in late August) and I’m one credit closer to completing my degree.

Franciscan School of Theology (FST) Oceanside, California:
For two weeks Br. Ben and I were at FST taking in seminars about Franciscan Theology of Creation. It was really more like retreat for me. A true blessing after a full academic year. Sessions in the morning, rest and reading in the afternoon and evening. The opportunity to connect with other ‘young’ Friars, to share stories and journeys and dreams was indeed a gift. Another blessing was meeting James, a young Camaldolese Benedictine Monk. He is an amazing and passionate man and it was so great to hear his story and journey.

What more do I need to say! A true blessing indeed… home… land of living skies… beautiful green and yellow and purple country side…northern lights… time with family and dear friends already… the gift of being back to worship with Resurrection Parish… the best bed in the world… garden goodies… lots of hugs… celebrations…

Family Reunion:
My Mom’s immediate family gathered for a family reunion this past weekend. Oh my goodness… Capital B L E S S I N G ! Absolutely amazing! My Mom is the oldest of 11 so the grand total for the family including my Grandparents is 170 with more on the way soon. Rumor has it 150 of us were present. It was so so so very good. Time to visit with cousins, with aunts and uncles, to meet new additions to the family, to play silly games, eat good food, pray together, laugh, cry and celebrate four generations of one heck of an amazing family tree. I am so proud to be a part of this family and to call these people family. It was such a beautiful reminder of true gifts, priorities and goodness. I’m lost for words on how to describe how I feel today as I look back on the weekend, and from posts from several of my relatives I believe others are too. So grateful for the planning committee and all their hard work. As one of my wise cousins said, “All good things must come to end so we can experience more good things!”

- At the end of my ponderings I have included what a cousin of mine shared at the reunion. Her words gave a great perspective as a reflection on the 45 of us grandchildren. It gives you a small glimpse into my extended family. It is amazing and humbling to see how we each impact the world.

Also in the mix of the weekend was Dad’s family gathered (whoever was around)  as my Aunt and Uncle and cousins from Ontario were back for a visit. Another blessing to connect with more great cousins, aunts and uncles - family that I am proud to call mine. More laughter, more good food and more to ponder on how truly blessed I am to have such good people in my life.

40 Years:
This past Saturday also marked my parents 40th Wedding Anniversary. It was such a blessing to be in the very community and church where they were married to celebrate this milestone. Love stories are all woven together differently. Each story is unique and powerful. Each story calls us to look beyond ourselves and look to those around us. Each story calls us to radiate the love of God for another. I am blessed to be part of this love story, no matter how intense, exciting, crazy, demanding or challenging it can be. I am grateful my parents chose to take a chance on love and continue to say ‘I do’ in good times and in bad times, in sickness and in health, to love and honor each other each day. Another blessing.

1 Year:
August 2 marked my First Anniversary of my vows as a Franciscan. It is simply amazing to me that a year has passed since I placed my hands into the hands of my Provincial and vowed to live for 13 months according to our way and rule of life. It is simply amazing that a year ago today I returned to Canada was embraced by my parents and family, met my newest nephew and have been surrounded with support from family, friends and friars. The past year has seen a lot of changes and transitions but a lot of blessings have made the journey one that I choose to continue and I look forward to renewing my vows in 14 days. The journey continues, blessings abound, God is indeed gracious and abundant and good.

I am grateful.

I am awe-filled.

I am blessed.

I hope you know you are as well.


Reflection from my cousin:
I have 42 first cousins and we all grew up within 40 miles of one another.  I’m quite positive that at one point in the 90s every classroom within 20 miles of here had at least one of my cousins in it.  How cool was that?!
I would see a lot of my cousins when I was little and growing up, summer holidays, birthday parties, anniversaries.  I remember being outside for hours playing kick the can in the dark, sports days (including right where we are tonight) playing ball, picking raspberries, swimming lessons, camping and sleepovers.
I am the 2nd oldest granddaughter in this family.
My oldest cousin is a smarty pants engineer, as well as one of his brothers who lives out of province.  One of their brothers is a farmer who I hear tried to remodel his sprayer one summer and didn’t go so well so I’m thinking he should’ve hooked up with our mechanic cousin out of the Odessa area.  I hear that there is an Odessa cousin that plays with some big tonka-toys all day and one who hauls bales. 
I do know that our entire family will be in good hands if for some reason there is an injury today as we have a newly appointed nurse and a seasoned paramedic on site – thank the lord for them!  I also know that our family will not ever go hungry as we have Sheep farmers, dairy farmers, grain farmers and cattle farmers.  And then… we have a couple cousins who could turn some of that into delicious sausage and cut and wrap and deliver it all to us… right?!?
I have 10 amazing female cousins who are moms and 16 wonderful male cousins who are dads.  I have two cousins who are foster parents that open their hearts and homes to helping those that need more love.
I have one cousin who helps me see better and look good with new glasses, and one who could fly me in his helicopter, a couple talented ladies who could and have done my hair from time to time.  And then if any of these people stress me out I have one cousin who could give me a massage.  Her brother blasts sand for a living while their little brother will play some tunes for us tonight.
A Franciscan and a lineman are always working with a higher power and an Agrologist and a Credit Union Manager are always working with things that grow… hopefully!  One pretty lady is a rancher racing around barrels, another pretty lady is a news anchor racing around the newsroom.
The oil industry has one of my cousins and the land down under has his sister!  My five youngest cousins are still either in university, still in school or just finished and are probably on their cell phones right now!
My scaffolding brother and my brother who is waiting for parts are so lucky to have all of you as playmates over the last 40 some years.  We sure are a smart, loving, funny and good looking bunch!



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