Monday 29 August 2016

Happy New Year!

A dear friend of mine sent me an email the other day that read: Happy New Year! I read that line a few times and smiled. My friend mentioned how the beginning of September always feels like a New Year beginning because of the return to classes for students and the regular routine of our lives begins to take shape again. It is something the two of us have discussed and agree upon.

As I read the email of New Year greetings and encouragement for the year of learning ahead the thoughts of a New Year grasped hold of me: Excitement, Hope, Promise, Growth, Dedication, Potential, Dreams, Fears, Trust, Opportunities, Newness, Life, Unexpected, Challenges, Goodness. Each of these words could have their own reflection and each creates an image that settles into who we are and our journey. Our lives are filled with so much each day. Whether it is January 1 or September 1, October 28 or February 28 there is plenty to embrace.

As I pondered the New Year that lies ahead and think of fellow students, of family and friends, communities and children packing up the backpacks for the journey ahead I turned to my journal entry that I wrote 8 months ago as 2016 began.

A New Year: full of promise, hope, growth and a deeper journey with God. Deeper trust, deeper awareness of God at work in me, gifts explored, appreciating the gift of who I am.

Being open: each year, each month, each day is a chance for me to be open, to radiate Christ, to be a living tabernacle and icon.

May I remember this each day and launch each new month as a new chapter to continue to write my story and bring with the experiences of lessons learned to live again more fully.

These thoughts from the start of this year are good to read again at this point of New Year. They propel me forward and remind me of the gift of new beginnings that we receive so many times throughout the year. I am grateful to my friend for reminding me of all of this with a simple email to say Happy New Year!

God of Life, God of New Beginnings,
We give you thanks for the richness of life,
In the sorrows and joys help us to see you present,
In the paths traveled and the ones to come help us to know you walk with us,
In the people we meet and the ones we hold close help us to see your face.
Praise be to You!

God is Good!

The blank page of a new chapter is ours and the Author of Life is ready to write the story with us. I am open to invitation, I hope you are too...

Blessings to all students and teachers returning to school. May the year ahead be one of living intentionally, serving well, walking humbly with love and radiating the Light of Christ! 

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