Tuesday 1 November 2016

Words of Wisdom

November 1 – All Saints Day – as you know one of my most favorite days of the year. If I could do it up like Christmas or Easter I would. I guess in the past I have (memories of Saints Suppers and school celebrations and Masses flood my mind every year) however now as a student Friar, the celebration of the day is simple but I still try and add a bit of gusto where I can (and believe me there are ways!). This day reminds us of our call to holiness, our call to radiate Christ, our call to be humble servants continually showing forth the love of God.

As St. Bernard, the Abbot said:
Calling the Saints to mind inspires, or rather arouses in us above all else, a longing to enjoy their company. When we commemorate the Saints we are inflamed with another yearning: that Christ our life may also appear to us.

His words are a beautiful description and challenge of why we celebrate All Saints and All Souls Day; why we call to mind the Saints of the Church, and those known to us, why we remember our deceased relatives and friends and why we open ourselves to walk in the hope of Christ.

This past Sunday the Old Testament reading was from the Book of Wisdom. I was struck by the selected verses. Even though I have heard them before, this time they leapt off the page. I beleive they are gift for us striving to be Saints each day, in hundreds of situations and in all types of encounters.

Wisdom 11.22-12-2 says:

The whole world before you is like a speck that tips the scales,
and like a drop of morning dew that falls on the ground.
But you are merciful to all, for you can do all things,
and you overlook people’s sins, so that they may repent.
Lord, you love all things that exist,
and detest none of the things that you have made,
for you would not have made anything if you had hated it.
How would anything have endured if you had not willed it?
Or how would anything not called forth by you have been preserved?
You spare all things, for they are yours, O Lord, you who love the living.
For your immortal spirit is in all things.
Therefore you correct little by little those who trespass,
and you remind and warn them of the things through which they sin,
so that they may be freed from wickedness and put their trust in you, O Lord.

The italicized phrases are the ones that seemed to jump off the page a bit more and into my heart.

The beautiful reminder that all is God’s – everything – all of creation and we are part of that gift, called to cultivate a culture of life and love and mercy.

The gift of God’s deep mercy, forgiveness and God’s love being greater than our weakness. Intrinsically woven into our DNA, our very fiber and all of creation. We can never tire of this gift. I know I am grateful for it each day.

The freedom that is ours in being a Child of God, a living Saint and the only requirement is to trust in God. Not always easy but always present to us. The more I come to grasp trusting in God the more I come to see how God tips the scales of his abundant love for us each day.

So yes… let us embrace being a Saint today in our world and let the words of St. Bernard and the Book of Wisdom strength our inherent holiness which is of God.

Together let us sing the Resurrection Song with all the Saints in Glory!
All Holy Men, Women, Teens & Children, pray for us!

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