Saturday 26 November 2016

Advent Shoes

I've been thinking about shoes, all shapes and sizes, new and worn, too tight and comfortable. Not that I’m going to be buying a new pair any time soon, but shoes ultimately has me thinking about this Season we call Advent. This season of journey, of many paths, of tried and true, of new and uncertain. Each year as we begin this time of Advent the path is ours to tread, we know where we are going, we know we are walking or running or dragging or limping our way to the crib. That is the beautiful thing about Advent it doesn’t matter what path we take or what shoes we wear we end up at the crib of Christ.

New (and sometimes too tight) shoes – remind us that this season will have new paths for us to travel. Maybe that is prayer, or a way we will serve, maybe it is a moment of reconciliation, or an encounter with someone. Maybe it will be a newness as we begin the season, to embrace new ways to pray; or keep Advent promises that we have never been able to or new ways to prepare for Christmas that will not just prepare our homes but also the home of our heart. New shoes need breaking in, new shoes need to be worn every day for a certain amount of time so we can walk the distance.

Worn (and comfortable) shoes – remind us of tried and true practices for this Advent Season. Maybe that is familiar prayers we look forward to each season, maybe it is the comfort of hymns and carols for the season, or maybe it is the Advent wreath being lit each week. Worn shoes remind us that we are part of a bigger picture, we are part of community, and we do not travel this path alone. We journey towards Christmas with great prophets, with wise women, with angels, with common folk, with children, with neighbours and with hope. We do not walk alone.

In the letter to the Romans we read, “Salvation is nearer to us now… let us put on the armour of light, let us put on the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 13.11-14)

Yes! Let us put on the armour of light this season and let us begin with our shoes! Whatever shoes we choose; whatever path to the crib we walk; we must remember that we are armoured in light: a light that is Christ Jesus, who is strength for the journey, and truly our salvation who draws near during these holy days of Advent.

Advent – check!
Shoes – check!
Path – To Be Determined!
Christmas – Our Destination!

Blessings of hope, peace, joy and love
as we journey these four full weeks
to the light of the crib, the light of the world:
Christ Jesus - Emmanuel!

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