Monday 5 December 2016

Advent Backpack

The Advent shoes now has me thinking about an Advent Backpack or Saddlebag. The journey for Advent must be light as the journey is a short one, we must not pack too many items or it will just add clutter to the purpose of the journey.

When I was ministering as a Youth Minister there was a prayer we used to lead with the youth called Prayer in a Backpack. The prayer has been crossing my mind over the past few days. Now that we are in Week 2 of Advent, and we got the right pair of shoes on (or we have changed them a few times), I think we should look in our Advent Backpacks.
In our Advent Backpack/Saddlebag we carry a:
Map – Lord, help us on this Advent journey to be open to the path you are calling us to instead of us always telling where we want to go.

Mirror – Lord, help us to look at each person we encounter in the hustle and bustle and see you and the light they offer.

Cash – Lord, help us as we go about our shopping for the perfect gift to realize that the things of real value in life are not measured by how much they cost.

Ball of String – Lord, help us to set aside any grudges or petty jealousies that tangle up our hearts and steal joy from us this season. Show us that you are the tie that binds.

Scissors – Lord, help us to reflect on the ways we act and things we say so that we may cut out our bad habits and dependencies and depend only on you.

MP3 player – Lord, help us to tune into you and tune out the distractions that try and rob from us the gift of this holy season.

Jewelry – Lord, help us to remember generosity this Advent, keep us from wanting more and more and putting things before people.

Watch – Lord, help us to slow down and walk this Advent path with purpose and meaning. Teach us to value the time we have with loved ones and friends, enjoying the moments of the season and to make time for you. Yes Lord, to make time for you and with you this season is key to the journey.

There it is... our backpack is not too full and it’s fairly light. May these hand little items remind us to stay focused on Emmanuel as we journey towards Christmas. May Mary and Joseph (fellow travellers who were open to where the path may lead) inspire us on the rest of this Advent journey.
Continued Blessings of hope, peace, joy and love
as we journey to the light of the crib,
the light of the world:
Christ Jesus - Emmanuel!
*Prayer in a Backpack item ideas from Pathways to Prayer Booklet


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