Tuesday 20 December 2016

Advent Ending

Our Advent shoes are by now well worn,

Our Advent backpack has hopefully not been filled with unnecessary things, and

Our Advent road is leading us very close to Christmas.

Have you ever noticed that the fourth week of Advent, even if we get a full fourth week always seems to slip by so quickly? I was struck by that as we all try to do the right thing to have the perfect Christmas and then I was struck by What is the perfect Christmas? Each of us would claim a perfect Christmas in different ways: a trimmed tree, all the cookies made, lots of snow, time with family, a getaway, the right carols sung, the outside lights blinking to welcome neighbors, another Christmas party to attend, someone to spend Christmas with, lots of gifts, and on and on the list could go.

Our Advent road must lead us beyond this and to the perfect Christmas which is Christ. Think of that first Christmas. What was perfect about it? Mary and Joseph were travellers away from family, the busy streets did not need to see one more person, there was no welcome at any door, animals and a barn offered warmth and complete strangers came to see what was going on. Does that sound perfect to you?

There was however, something that was perfect. It was true gifts – love, strength, courage and hope. When we ponder the imperfections of God coming among us we see that love wins out, strength comes from trusting in God, courage allows for simple ordinary people to be open and do God’s will and hope allows for the imperfections to slip away and for Christ to enter our lives. It really is perfect.

As we shift from preparation to celebrations, as the year comes to and end and we ponder our many blessings let us give thanks that God enters into imperfections and does great things for and with us. Emmanuel – God with us in the perfection we seek, in the brokenness we encounter, in the journey of life and faith.

As we gather around our Christmas trees and celebrate with family and friends, happy to be together and feeling safe, I would like to place a Christmas challenge before us. As you look at each ornament or each twinkling light offer a prayer for someone who is not experiencing true light this season… we think of those who lost loved ones this year (whether from natural deaths or tragedy); for families broken; for those who are trapped in additions or depression: for those that lost everything this year because of fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, greed, or unemployment; for those who are sick in hospital or care homes; for those who call the streets their home; for parents longing to have a child and they cannot; for the lonely; for refugees; for immigrants seeking a better home; for the people of the Middle East including Syria and Aleppo; for communities that live in terror because of extremists; for communities dealing with the aftermath of terror; for those who do not have access to water; for the hungry; for those who are bullied; for those who can’t go home; for those hurting for reasons we will never know and for so many others. Let us, those who believe that God is Emmanuel – God with us, let us unite ourselves with our brothers and sisters in prayer and offer love, strength, courage and hope.

If God chose to enter into our imperfections by the birth of his Son in a manger stall, then even in our imperfections God will enter. No matter what our Christmas celebrations will look like, God is with us for love wins out, strength and courage are ours and hope never dies.

Continued Blessings of hope, peace, joy and love

as we journey to the light of the crib,

the light of the world:

Christ Jesus - Emmanuel!


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