Monday 21 August 2017

Tents Hikes Prayer Pilgrimage

As summer time lingers on my daily routines are again slowly taking their ‘regular’ shape which over summer often looks different. It is time for some reflection on what has been a summer of busy adventure, new discoveries and rich blessings.

There is lots to reflect on and share about this summer. From the gift of reunions with loved ones, to celebrations, to quiet moments, to discovering an interesting history, to understanding more the need for compassionate listening, to learning to tenting, to hiking and to this great nation there is much to be thankful for and celebrate. I will share just a few highlights.


The gift of spending time with good people is one that I will never take for granted. It is such a rich blessing in my life and one that nourishes me. I am ever grateful for long lunches, quick visits, hugs, patio parties, late nights, early mornings, walk and talks, sunroom relaxing, garden walks, banana song singing, a good beer, road trips, the kindness of friends and family gatherings that make my hectic summer so truly wonderful and blessed.


One of the biggest adventures of this summer was the Franciscan pilgrimage that 13 of us Friars from Canada journey together in Quebec. We spent one week together “On the Footsteps of the Récollets” exploring our roots in Canada and how our early brothers continue to challenge us today. We covered several hundred kilometers a day (mostly along the St. Lawrence from Trois Rivieres to Gaspe to Quebec City)  traveling in 3 vehicles, we tented for the week, we prayed together, ate simple meals (most of the time) and explored beautiful Canadian landscape, history and moments in time that have impacted the Franciscan presence in Canada. It truly was a blessed time.
The Récollets is the name of the early Franciscans that came to Canada. They were missionaries that came to Canada with Champlain in 1615. The history is a rich one of missionary work, firsts for Canada, working with aboriginal peoples, creating long standing establishments and even be sent back to Europe but returning to serve. Their missionary hearts and love of the gospel did not ever grow faint as they truly were focused on the Good News and serving their neighbour. We read or heard amazing and inspiring story after story. We stood in buildings that were theirs, we prayed on land that they would have walked, we pondered their courage, strength and dedication.

It was a gift indeed to spend time with 12 of my brothers from across Canada and enjoy this very unique fraternal time. It was a gift indeed to reflect on our Franciscan roots in Canada. It was a gift indeed to share this experience in prayer, conversation, and reflection and let it inspire us as Friars for today. I am so grateful for the pilgrimage and for being introduced to my Friar Brothers from centuries ago that speak to me today about my journey and dream as a young Friar.


There is still so much more to unpack about the pilgrimage which I hope to do so over the next few weeks. As for now we are on our annual retreat this week and I look forward to some great input from our Retreat Leader and some quiet time for reflection and prayer. I humbly ask for your prayers for the Friars and for me as I renew my vows again for another year.

Continued summer blessings.

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