Thursday 24 August 2017

I Do...Again.

In a matter of a few hours I will renew my vows for the second time and mostly like for the last time in Christ the King Province as the unification of the two Canadian Provinces is becoming an even greater reality over the next few months. As I ponder my vows again I don't hesitate in renewing them, even in the chaos of this week, even with the moments of fraternal frustration, even with a tired body from summer adventure and even with a restlessness that I can't quite put my finger on I still am ready and willing to renew my vows.

I renew my vows this year with a greater desire and hope to discover St. Francis even more and come to appreciate my brothers, whom I love, even more.

I renew with the hope of a Province united that will only empower and enrich the Canadian Church.

I renew with the hope that the restlessness that I know if met with clarity as I deepen my commitment to Christ and this Franciscan way of life.

I renew with the desire to be a brother filled with even more joy, courage and drive.

I renew with the deepening awareness of God's will at work not my own or anyone else.

I come to my vows trusting that Mary our Blessed Mother wraps her mantle around me and that the holy saints are walking with and that dear Sister Clare and dear Brother Francis continue to shine their light on my path... this path that I echoes with the psalms... "my heart is ready Lord, my heart is ready."

I strive to live my vows this next year as a lesser brother with honesty, integrity, and openness.

I strive to let the Gospel infuse my life even more and be even more my way of life; hearing the words of Christ as my daily mantra and truly making them my mission statement.

I strive to live in the obedience the gospel calls me to and that which my Province dialogues with me.

I strive to live with nothing of my own, embracing Franciscan Poverty to the depths of solidarity and how I use power.

I strive to live in chastity, professing a chaste love for all of God's creation; being welcoming, open and a witness and agent to God's love at work.

Some of my Brothers

This I know will take effort and work and revitalization on my part, as I seek God's will I simple say may the Lord continue to inspire me in my Franciscan living. I place my trust in the Lord and I remember that St. Francis challenges me to be fraternal, to serve, and to continue to build the kingdom, for as he said: "up until now we have done very little/nothing."

God of Peace, God of Joy, God of all Good I trust in You as I renew my vows.
Thank you for your amazing and endless love. Amen.

To you who read this blog I humbly ask your prayers for the Franciscans in Canada and for myself.

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