Tuesday 29 August 2017


In my reflection last week on renewing my vows I used the word strive. This word struck a cord with me as I spent time in reflection and with a few other people since I posted my reflection. I have continued to ponder what it means to me.

The dictionary definition of strive is:

       make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.
       struggle or fight vigorously

The dictionary definition lends to my pondering and thoughts. As I consider what it means to strive, it is a word that I want to bring some depth to in the months ahead. I find it a powerful word, one of action, one of hope, a positive word, a word that says 'I am open, I am working at being present, being real, aware, awakened to God's goodness in creation, in others and in myself.'

Strive says I am willing and the path and journey with others.

Strive means continuing on with effort and vitality in the good, the trials, the dull and in the new.

Strive is awareness of what I offer, my blessings and the gifts of others.

Strive is keeping focused on Christ in the everyday, in the interactions with life and others.

Strive is exciting; not like a new toy or gift, but a depth, a sustenance, a God rooted energy that calls me to life, to see with new eyes, to be who I am and to know that God is at work always.

The morning of the day I renewed my vows the following verse was sung at Morning Prayer:

Make us servants of your peace,
renew our strength, remove all fear,
be with us, Lord, throughout this day,
for all is joy, when you are near.

There is an honesty in this verse, a desire, to me it speaks of striving.

We continually strive to be God's servant; which is a gift and blessing. This gift and blessing is not always easy but one with rewards beyond knowing. It is a challenge to be messengers of hope, joy and peace. God's peace is part of God's strength which then empowers us to be peace, for it is rooted in God.

We strive to plant deep within us that God is our strength and only God can continually renew our strength. God calls us to ways to renew our strength whether that is times of prayer or retreat, a walk, insights, support, kindness shown or rest. God is our strength beyond strength and when we remember that and embrace that our fears subside. Our fears disappear when we focus on God.

We strive to remember that God is always with us in each moment. In trials and joys, in hurts and blessings God is with us. God desires nothing more than to be with us and for us to be with God. When it is hard to remember that God is present here, may God clear our minds and bring us surety and strength to know that we are never abandoned by God.

We strive to embrace that God is pure joy, the fullness of joy, the depth of joy that resides in the depths of our heart and calls us to radiate joy into the world. God's joy illumines our own joy and calls us to share joy. May we be joy-bearers in the name of Jesus, to be witnesses of the Good News and strive always to bring more joy into the world.

God of Life, Brother Jesus, Holy Spirit
you are my all,
I strive to be your servant,
filled with peace, strength and joy
and to radiate you into the world
for I know you are always at my side.

So yes I will strive to be the person I am created to be as a child of God and the brother that St. Francis calls me to embrace on this journey.

Here is to the gift, blessing, challenge and the desire to strive.


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