Saturday 1 June 2013

The Journey: Trusting God

So the reason for finally beginning a blog comes out of a life change that I'm about to embark on, a new path has emerged. Let me explain.

We all have beloved Saints that we are intrigued by and curious about their journey and how they came to rely and trust more and more in God. I am a lover of Saints – I love reading about them, finding pictures or statues of them, reading their quotes, being in awe of their journey and their deep love for Christ and the Church.

There are so many saints that inspire me who have found their way into my ministry and life and have helped me to encounter Christ in a very personal and real way.

One of those Saints is Saint Francis of Assisi, a beloved Saint for many people. I have always been intrigued with Francis and his life, not only did he give us the gift of the Nativity Scene (one of my most favorite things about Christmas) but his radical love for Jesus and his deep joy in proclaiming the gospel is life-giving. His enthusiasm and desire to be a living-witness of Christ, his way that he saw all creation both human and nature as family, and as his followers over the past 800 years have lived with a desire to rebuild the Church has impacted my journey in a very personal way and I was not fully aware that it was doing so.

Saint Francis once said: 'If God can work through me, he can work through anyone. '
Over the course of about the past 14 months I have been on a very personal journey, opening myself up more to God working in my life and trusting in God’s awesome love, grace and mercy.
Through the help of my spiritual director and believe it or not the past 2 VBS’s I have been reminded again and again that with God all is possible or as stated in another way that nothing is impossible with God.


Math was never my strong subject in school, but this equation was the easiest way for me to share this very exciting and life-changing news.

Jesus + Saint Francis of Assisi + The Western Canadian Franciscans = Me.

so what I’m trying to say is…

I have been accepted to join the Western Canadian Franciscans as a postulant (which means the start of the journey on the road to Franciscan Brotherhood). My postulancy year begins on August 19, 2013 and so with the blessing of my pastor I will resign my position as Pastoral Assistant and spend the next year in deeper discernment with the Franciscans.

The past 6 years at Resurrection Parish have been a true blessing for me and it is because of this community and the ministry that I am able to answer this call in my life. I will take many memories with me as I take leave in August and go with a grateful heart for the many dedicated, faithful and inspiring people both young and old that make up this community.  I will look forward to updates about this community.
I now look ahead to a very busy next 8 weeks working on details for the ministry I leave behind, training a Youth Ministry Coordinator and celebrating the gift of the Risen Lord that is very much present here in this community.

Thank you, thank you for sharing your gifts and for allowing me to share mine. I ask for your continued prayers and support for the journey ahead as Resurrection will always have a special place in my heart and my prayers.

Again thank you and I am blessed to have been a part of this community.


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