Tuesday 8 April 2014

There Are Times - Post Retreat Reflection

Ron Rolheiser once said, "The Paschal Mystery is the secret to life." 
Over the past few days I have been a part of a very powerful retreat that truly focused on the
Paschal Mystery and how we are entwined in this secret of life. These are my thoughts after walking in a very intimate way with Christ over the past days.
There are times we try to stay bound in the tomb of Lazarus,
but Christ calls to us, “Come out, be unbound!”
We need to choose life.

There are times we don’t want our feet to be washed,
but Christ stoops low and washes for he needs us with him.
We need to choose mercy.

There are times we think it is easier to stay in the Garden of Gethsemane,
but Christ reminds us that he too left the garden of agony.
We need to choose strength.

There are times when carrying the cross is heavy and it hurts,
but Christ says, “The cross is not easy but I will be at your side.”
We need to choose courage.

There are times we crucify ourselves over and over again,
but Christ was crucified once for all.
We need to choose rebirth.

There are times we don’t want to see our wounds,
but Christ whispers, “See my wounds, by them you are healed.”
We need to choose grace.

I trust in you and in your love and mercy,
Even when I forget how readily you share it.

Help me to let go of my sinfulness,
Help me not to get stuck in it,
Help me find courage to identify it
and turn it over to your goodness.

For you have made me holy and good.
You love me endlessly and desire for me
to be filled with your goodness
and to share your light.
For I am your beloved and you have a place
for me in your kingdom here and where you reign.

Thank you for your love,
Thank you for filling me with life and goodness.

These words from Mother Teresa were some of the closing remarks from the retreat.
My Life is an opportunity, I will benefit from it.
My Life is beauty, I will admire it.
My Life is a dream, I will realize it.
My Life is a challenge, I will meet it.
My Life is a duty, I will complete it.
My Life is a game, I will play it.
My Life is costly, I will care for it.
My Life is rich, I will wisely share it.
My Life is love, I will love it.
My Life is a mystery, I will discover it.
My Life is a promise, I will fulfill it.
My Life is sorrow, I will overcome it.
My Life is a song, I will sing it.
My Life is a struggle, I will accept it.
My Life is a tragedy, I will confront it.
My Life is an adventure, I will dare it.
My Life is too precious, I will not destroy it.
My Life is life, I will save it.
My Life is Christ, I will Live it.
          • Mother Teresa (edited)

“I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 1.6

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