Monday 16 June 2014

On the Road Again

Over the past two weeks I have been on the move. Lots has happened and even more will happen over the next few weeks.

My Postulancy Year is coming to close and what a year it has been! To think that in the course of the last 12 months, I resigned from my ministry, packed, moved, enter the Franciscans as a Postulant, settled into a Friary, embraced community life, deepened my faith journey, expanded my life experience through new ministries, met new people, stayed connected with 'old' friends, discerned more deeply, packed up again and moved my limited stuff back to my parents place, reconnected with family and friends and now prepare for my Novitiate Year.

The past two weeks have been full of surprises, hugs, blessings, hugs, crazy schedule, hugs, visits, hugs, preparing, hugs, familiar tasks, hugs, lots of communication, hugs, lots of preparing, hugs, little time for worry, hugs, heart to hearts, hugs, holding babies, hugs, prayer in the mix, hugs, unpacking, hugs, letting go of stuff, hugs, repacking, hugs, excitement, hugs, hopefulness, hugs. It has been very full but very good, many blessings have filled the past two weeks and past year. I am so grateful that my life is filled with many good and awesome people. I am so grateful for the gift of faith and the gifts of courage, hope, joy, and strength that come from it and also fill it.

Over the next few weeks I will be on the move again as I end my Postulancy Year and enter Pre-Novitiate. I will be going to Franciscan Summer School. I will be meeting up with my fellow Postulant Brothers, spending time in retreat, going to classes, living in community, meeting the larger Franciscan family and preparing for the Novitiate. It will be a grace-filled and exciting time.

After my summer studies come to a close I will journey back home. In my short time at home I will unpack and repack again, hug, let go of some more stuff, hug, spend lots of time with family, hug, celebrate a few special occasions, hug, pray, hug, eat good home-cooked food, hug and prepare for my year away at the Novitiate.

As St. Francis said, 'The journey is essential to the dream.'
My journey and dream is so deeply entwined with Francis and in the awesome love of Christ.
It has been full of richness, growth and blessings.
I am so excited for the journey to continue.
Being open to the adventure so far has only enriched the journey greatly!

May God continue to bless each of you,
may God smile upon each of you,
may God hold you close to the heart of Christ
and may your summer be filled with time to encounter our awesome God.

Know of my prayers, I humbly ask for yours.

I am uncertain of my schedule while at Summer School, but will try to blog a few times to have you join me on the adventure.

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