Sunday 1 June 2014

Worthy To Be Transplanted

Colossians 1:12-14
Give thanks to the Father, who has made you worthy to share in the lot of the saints in the light. He has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

This short piece of scripture reminded me of incident that happened to me this past year. The phrase ‘made you worthy to share the lot of the saints in light’ has been playing over and over again in my mind.

I have pondered how each of are made worthy through Christ and in Christ.
We are made worthy to shine our light into the world.
We are made worthy to be builders in the kingdom.

It’s easy to forget this worthiness.

In late February after returning from our visit to the Novitiate House I was lost in emotions of the week, pondering my future, feeling unsettled realizing that my routine would be upset again in few short months. I know that I can adjust to change and challenge myself to do so but also know I love the security of the familiar, not necessarily routine, but familiar. The psalm of that late February day was ‘Throw your cares on the Lord and the Lord will support you.’ It was in reading that psalm that I remembered that had promised myself I would put my whole heart into the this journey and year and enter into the relationships that would cross my path.

I still felt unsettled even known that God was so ready to take all my cares I was throwing God’s way. In my unsettledness I sat down in conversation with someone shared what was going on with my journey and how transitions can be tough, especially over the next few years, when you nicely feel like you put down roots and then get uprooted again.

As I shared these thoughts, this wise person whom I was sharing with asked me, ‘Have you ever gardened before? Do you like gardening?’

I responded that I had gardened and did in fact enjoy gardening.

I was then asked if I had ever transplanted a plant before.
To which I replied yes of course.

I then listened with great interest how this wise person created a beautiful image of plants be transplanted. I listened intently as it was shared how when we transplant a plant it goes from comfortable, rich soil and needs to have that in the new pot. If we were to leave that plant on the table it would just wither or if we don’t plant it in good soil or a good location it dies. It must go into rich soil.

This image lead the conversation to discussing how it is worth putting down roots, even if just for a short time, as it prepares us to be rooted again in rich soil. So that transitions become life-giving and fruitful, and we bear much fruit and we grow and our roots are strengthened and we become hardy and can adapt and grow through the changes, the uprootings, the storms and the growth.

My heart eased with this image and I felt deep peace and hope again. I knew I had thrown my cares upon the Lord and the Lord had indeed supported me. I am so grateful God always knows what I need to hear when I need to hear it.

I continually throw my cares upon the Lord and the Lord continues each day to support me and remind me that I am worthy to be in his light. That you - my family, friends, relatives, Friars, Poor Clares and the community with which I ministered and prayed with this Postulancy Year; who have shared in this journey are indeed very worthy to share in this light. It is good to be here, the soil has been rich indeed, and yes the time for transplanting has come, but the nourishment for the next planting is so great.

It is great because each of us are branches connected to the magnificent and glorious vine that builds the kingdom of God.

Let us continue to grow and build, let us continue to water and nurture the growing, let us trust deeply that we are indeed worthy Saints yesterday, today and tomorrow.

I was reminded… Bloom Where You’re Planted

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