Monday 30 June 2014

Summer School

I’m now a week into my summer studies. What can I tell you?

The class is good, different from what I’m used to but good. Lots to discover, new insights, new lessons learned, new ways of approaching Francis and his journey. We have lots to read and ponder and that will only increase over the days ahead. Hopefully enriching our lives as soon to be Friars.

Add into the mix the community time, the house duties (I’m the grocery boy and information provider - having parents who own a grocery store does pay off! :D ) and of course time for personal prayer, Mass, community prayer and our days are full.

I think we are all settling into a nice routine and we continue to discover interesting things about each other’s journeys. It is always interesting to understand what makes people tick… in a sense that is what we are doing with Francis over the course of our studies.

One thing that is true about Francis is how he kept focused on Christ. One of his biographers – Thomas of Celano said it this way:

He was always with Jesus:

Jesus in his heart,

Jesus in his mouth,

Jesus in his ears,

Jesus in his eyes,

Jesus in his hands,

he bore Jesus always in his whole body.

When I read this quote again yesterday, I was reminded that I too desire this in my life. This summer is another opportunity to deepen that desire to embody Jesus and wrap myself up in the life of Francis so I can encounter Jesus more intimately.

Here is to another week of growth, learning and community!
Blessings to all!
God Bless Canada - our home and native land!

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