Tuesday 19 August 2014

An Unexpected Change of Plans but Full of Blessings

My Brother, what do you ask of us?

Moved by divine inspiration, I wish to share your life in the brotherhood of the Order of Friars Minor. I ask to be admitted to your way of life that I may be tested and learn how to take on my shoulders the yoke of the Lord in love and joy. I ask to join following the example of St. Francis of Assisi, the humble servant of the Lord.

Thanks be to God! Your life in the Order of Friars Minor begins today.

This is the question I was asked, the statement I declared and the response of the community of Friars that officially begins my Novitiate Year.

A few days delayed, still in Canada, but still it’s all good!

I was received into the Order of Friars Minor with the community of brothers around me that form the brotherhood in Western Canada. Something unique from the rest of my Novice brothers. Something that I will treasure and cherish.

We continue on this week in retreat, and hopeful that all Visa issues will be resolved by weeks end.

I now am called to embrace the traditions, the mission, the fraternity and service in a concrete way but with a continued openness and willingness.  I humbly walk in the footsteps of St. Francis in the name of Christ Jesus.

I pray that I may continue to joyful reflect Christ always.

Almighty, eternal, just and merciful God,
Grant us in our day the grace
To do for You alone
What we know You want us to do,
And always to desire what pleases You.

-          From Opening Prayer of the Retreat

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