Monday 25 August 2014

Sacred Sunday Evening

As Sunday comes to a close and I reflect back on my day I look back with a grateful heart. Our world is hurting in so many places and I was gifted with a peaceful day to contemplate God’s goodness in my life.

As I look back on my day and my Sunday Morning Coming Down blog I realize that the gift of the Eucharist is what makes my Sundays sacred. Whether I attend Mass on Saturday night or on Sunday Morning it is the gift of the Eucharist that is my nourishment which feeds me and sustains me. Jesus himself, present for me and for all. Jesus himself, my strength for busy week days and Sundays. Jesus himself, my rest for Sabbath Sundays and quiet moments in the week. Jesus himself, my hope when the world seems so shattered and torn. Jesus himself, my peace that conquers all hate and evil.

Yes Sundays are sacred in my world, always have been, always will be. Whether it’s brunch with family or friars or friends after Mass, whether it is sleeping in because of Saturday night Mass, whether it is an early morning walk, whether it is quiet moments with a cup of tea gazing out at the world, whether it's naps or visits in the afternoon, whether it's a movie or a walk in the evening, whether it's leftovers or tablecloth meals, Jesus is present.
What more do I need to make Sundays sacred?

Emmanuel – God with us
Jesus the Bread of Life and Cup of Salvation
Our Savior, Brother and Friend
present in the sacredness of Sunday and each day.


Have a blessed week.
I hope your Sundays to come are sacred ones!

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